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商务管理 Business management - 魁北克技术移民优先处理专业


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魁北克优先处理受训领域之 商务管理 Business management - FLYabroad


在魁省教育体系里,商务管理专业(Business management)要求完成3年的技能培训,总教育年限不得低于14年。In the Québec education system, completion of this program requires 3 years of technical training, representing a total of 14 years of study.

商务管理专业(Business management)具有很好就业前景的职业有两个:零售业监督员(Retail trade supervisor) NOC 6211,批发采购商(Retail and wholesale buyers) NOC 6233 。

一、6211 零售业监督员(Retail trade supervisor) 主要职责:

6211 零售业监督员(Retail trade supervisor)负责监督并协调以下行业的人员工作:零售营业员及店员,出纳,杂货店员,货架工。
Retail trade supervisors supervise and coordinate the activities of workers in the following occupations: Retail Salespersons and Sales clerks in retail trade, Cashiers and Grocery clerks and other Shelf stockers in retail businesses.

6211 零售业监督员 就业情况:


6211 零售业监督员 就业信息:

Approximately 14,000 persons practiced the occupation of retail trade supervisor or a related occupation in Québec in 2008, 59% if whom were women

08年零售业监督员职业(6211)的就业率为 85%
85% of retail trade supervisors or persons practising a related occupation were employed full-time in 2008

零售业监督员职业(6211)05年平均年收入为 3.3 万加币
The average gross annual income was $33,000 in full-time employment in 2005.


零售业 Retail trade 84%
批发业 wholesale trade 5%
金融,保险,房地产,租赁业 Finance,insurance,real estate and rental and leasing 4%
信息,文化,娱乐业 Information,culture and recreation 2%
企业服务,建设服务以及其他支持性服务 Services to companies,building services and other support services 1%
其他 4%


在魁省的零售业行业内有35000家机构和245000从业人员。In Québec, about 35,000 establishments and 245,000 workers are associated with the retail trade.

二、6233 批发采购商(Retail and wholesale buyers) 主要职责:

• 通过采购商品在批发销售公司转售
purchase merchandise for resale by retail or wholesale establishments;

• 通过对公司需求的评定从而决定该采购的商品类型和质量:研究市场报告,行业期刊及促销资料,参观商业展会,工厂以及产品设计会;
review requirements of establishment and determine quantity and type of merchandise to purchase; • study market reports, specialized periodicals and sales promotion materials and visit trade shows, showrooms, factories and product design events;

• 选取最适合公司需求的商品
select the merchandise which best fits the establishment's requirements;

• interview suppliers and negotiate prices, discounts, credit terms and transportation arrangements;

• 监督货物到各销售点的配送工作,并保证库存充足
oversee distribution of merchandise to outlets and maintain adequate stock levels;

• 与供货商建立并保持联系
establish and maintain contact with suppliers;

• 监督其他零售采购员的工作
supervise the work of other retail buyers.

6233 批发采购商(Retail and wholesale buyers) 就业情况:

2009-2013 年间该职业全魁省境内都非常紧缺

Approximately 4,500 persons practised the occupation of retail and wholesale buyer or a related occupation in Québec in 2008,  51% of whom were women

08 年 6223 批发采购商(Retail and wholesale buyers)就业率为 92%
92% of retail and wholesale buyers and persons practising a related occupation were employed full-time in 2008 

批发采购商(Retail and wholesale buyers)05年平均年收入为 4.7 万加币
The average gross annual income was $47,000 for full-time employment in 2005.

6233 批发采购商(Retail and wholesale buyers) 主要就业领域:

零售业 Retail trade 56%
批发业 Wholesale trade 32%
专业,科学,技术服务 2%
Professional,scientific and techinical services
衣物及皮革制品 Clothes and leather products 2%
公司服务,建设服务以及其他支持性服务 Services to companies,building services and other support services 2%
其他 6%

6233 批发采购商(Retail and wholesale buyers)雇主情况:

魁北克批发业有8471家公司,蒙特利尔地区(Montréal region)3112 家,蒙泰雷吉地区(Montérégie region) 1437 家,首都区(Capitale-Nationale) 651 家。


- 魁北克技术移民受训领域及受训领域加分
- 魁北克技术移民申请条件
- 魁北克技术移民申请程序

申请人必须拥有足够的金钱来维持 自己和随行家人在定居期最初三个月的生活开支 。要希望在移民魁北克后很好的生活,移民申请者最好具有一定的法语水平。

魁北克技术移民的更多常见问题参考:FLYabroad 魁省技术移民申请 FAQ 。

FLYabroad 签证工作室提供专业优质的魁北克技术移民自助服务,参考:FLYabroad 魁北克技术移民个人代理自助服务及服务费用


评分标准:魁北克技术移民评分标准表格,2009-10-14 最新评分标准

自助移民:FLYabroad 魁北克技术移民个人代理自助服务及服务费用

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