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管道及供暖 Plumbing and heating - 魁北克技术移民优先处理专业


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魁北克优先处理受训领域之 管道及供暖 Plumbing and heating - FLYabroad

管道及供暖 Plumbing and heating:

In the Québec education system, completion of this program requires 1,500 hours of secondary level vocational training, representing a total of 11-12 years of study.

该专业具有很好就业前景的职业是:管道工 Plumber (NOC 7251) 。

7251 管道工(Plumber) 主要职责:

Plumbers install, repair and maintain pipes, fixtures and other plumbing equipment used for water distribution and waste water disposal in residential, commercial and industrial buildings.They are employed in maintenance departments of factories, plants and similar establishments, by plumbing contractors, or they may be self-employed.

In Québec, the occupation of plumber is regulated by the Commission de la construction du Québec. Obtaining a competency certificate is mandatory to practise this occupation in the construction industry. Outside construction worksites, a Certificate of qualification issued by Emploi-Québec is required to practise this occupation. For more information on the conditions for practising this occupation.

7251 管道工(Plumber) 就业情况:

08年大概有9000人从事该职业, 其中99%为男性
08年 7251 管道工(Plumber) 就业率为 93%
05年 7251 管道工(Plumber) 年平均收入为 4.7 万加币

7251 管道工(Plumber) 主要就业领域:

建设 construction 76%
公共管理 public administration 4%
教育服务 educational services 3%
医疗保健和社会援助 Health care and social assistance 2%
金融,保险,房产,租赁业 Finance,insurance,real estate and rental and leasing 2%
其他 13%


- 魁北克技术移民受训领域及受训领域加分
- 魁北克技术移民申请条件
- 魁北克技术移民申请程序

申请人必须拥有足够的金钱来维持 自己和随行家人在定居期最初三个月的生活开支 。要希望在移民魁北克后很好的生活,移民申请者最好具有一定的法语水平。

魁北克技术移民的更多常见问题参考:FLYabroad 魁省技术移民申请 FAQ 。

FLYabroad 签证工作室提供专业优质的魁北克技术移民自助服务,参考:FLYabroad 魁北克技术移民个人代理自助服务及服务费用


评分标准:魁北克技术移民评分标准表格,2009-10-14 最新评分标准

自助移民:FLYabroad 魁北克技术移民个人代理自助服务及服务费用

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