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概率统计 Probality and statistics - 魁北克技术移民优先处理专业


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魁北克优先处理受训领域之 概率统计 Probality and statistics - FLYabroad

概率统计科目特点(Training program):

在魁省教育体系里,概率统计专业要求完成3年的大学课程与培训,总教育年限不得低于16年。In the Québec education system, completion of this program requires 3 years of undergraduate university training, representing a total of 16 years of study.

概率统计专业具有很好就业前景的职业是 数学家,统计学家,保险精算师 2161 。

2161 数学家,统计学家,保险精算师 主要职责:

Mathematicians and statisticians conduct research on mathematical or statistical theories, and develop and apply mathematical or statistical techniques, for solving problems in such fields as science, engineering, business and social science. Actuaries apply mathematics, statistics, probability and risk theory to assess potential financial impacts of future events.

They are employed by universities, governments, banks and trust companies, insurance companies, pension benefit consulting firms, professional associations and science and engineering consulting firms.

在魁省, 该职业是不受规范的。但是,从事保险精算师,需要有加拿大保险精算师协会的认可(成功通过专业考试并在保险精算方面有三年的工作经验)。
In Québec, these occupations are not regulated. However, to practise as an actuary, recognition from the Canadian Institute of Actuaries (successful completion of professional examinations and three years of work experience in the actuarial field) is usually required.


Employment prospects for the 2009-2013 period are favourable throughout Québec.

08年大概有3000人从事该职业, 其中61%为男性
Approximately 3,000 persons practised an occupation related to this occupational group in Québec in 2008, 61% of whom were men 93% of mathematicians, statisticians and actuaries were employed full time in 2008

05 年概率统计相关职业的全职年平均收入为 7.8 万加币
The average annual gross income was $78,000 for full-time employment in 2005.


专业,科学,技术服务 Professional,scientific and technical services 32%
公共管理 Public administration 28%
金融,保险,房地产,租赁 Finance,insurance,real estate and rental and leasing 24%
信息,文化,娱乐业 Information,culture and recreation 4%
教育服务 Educational services 3%
其他 Other 9%


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评分标准:魁北克技术移民评分标准表格,2009-10-14 最新评分标准

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