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Section C of area II 魁北克学历(Quebec)受训领域加分


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Section C of area II 魁北克技术移民魁北克学历(Quebec)受训领域加分


公共管理 Public Administration (Bach. - 3 years)
农业 Agriculture (Bach. - 4 years)
建筑 Architecture (Bach. - 4 years)
景观建筑 Landscape Architecture (Bach. - 4 years)
法律Law (Bach. - 3 years)
学前及初级教育 Teaching at the Preschool and Elementary Levels (Bach. - 4 years)
中级教育 Teaching at the Secondary Level (Bach. - 4 years)
职业(中级)学校及技术(大专)学校 Teaching in Vocational (Secondary)and Technical (College)Education (Bach. - 3 years)
农业及农村工程技术 Agricultural and Rural Engineering (Bach. - 4 years)
制浆及纸张工程 Pulp and Paper Engineering (Bach. - 4 years)
电子及电子通信工程 Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering (Bach. - 4 years)
工商管理 Industrial and Administrative Engineering (Bach. - 4 years)
冶金及材料工程 Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (Bach. - 4 years)
心理教育 Psychoeducation (Bach. - 3 years)
产业关系Industrial Relations (Bach. - 3 years)
社区保健及传染病学(硕士)Community Health and Epidemiology (Master’s degree)
生物学 Biological Sciences (Bach. - 3 years)
运动学 Exercise Sciences (Bach. - 3 years)
健康学基础或应用 Basic or Applied Health Sciences (Bach. - 3 years)
物理学 Physical Science (Bach. - 3 years)
翻译 Translation (Bach. - 3 years)
城市规划 Urban Planning (Bach. - 3 years)


助听器 Hearing Aids (DCS - 3 years)
时装营销 Fashion Marketing (DCS - 3 years)
制图法 Graphics (DCS - 3 years)
航海 Navigation (DCS - 3 years)
院前急救护理 Pre-Hospital Emergency Care (DCS - 3 years)
城市规划技术 Urban Planning Techniques (DCS - 3 years)
道义论(义务论) Denturology Techniques (DCS - 3 years)
工业设计技术 Industrial Design Techniques (DCS - 3 years)
营养学技术 Dietetic Techniques (DCS - 3 years)
航海机械工程技术 Marine Mechanical Engineering Techniques (DCS - 3years)
酒店管理 Hotel Management Techniques (DCS - 3 years)
旅游技术 Tourism Techniques (DCS - 3 years)
医学生理电学技术 Medical Electrophysiology Techniques (DCS - 3 years)
环境技术 Environmental Techniques (DCS - 3 years)
法律实务 Legal Techniques (DCS - 3 years)
警察实务 Police Techniques (DCS - 3 years)
专业音乐歌曲技术 Professional Music and Song Techniques (DCS - 3years)
造船学 Naval Architecture Technology (DCS - 3 years)
电子学技术 Electronics Technology (DCS - 3 years)
工业电子学技术 Industrial Electronics Technology (DCS - 3 years)
计算机科学及数码系统技术 Computer Science and Digital SystemsTechnology(DCS- 3 years)
畜牧生产技术 Animal Production Technology (DCS - 3 years)
农业机械工程技术 Agromechanical Engineering Technology (DCS - 3 years)
工业工程学 Industrial Engineering Technology (DCS - 3 years)
冶金工程 Metallurgical Engineering Technology (DCS - 3 years)
物理学 Physics Technology (DCS - 3 years)
造纸技术 Paper Mill Technology (DCS - 3 years)
海产品加工 Seafood Processing (DCS - 3 years)


保温材料 Calorifugeage (DVS - 900 hours / 1 year)
室内装潢及装饰 Interior Decorating and Display (DVS - 1,800 hours / 2years)
机械自动化 Automated Systems Electromechanics (DVS - 1,800 hours/ 2 years)
钻孔及爆破 Drilling and Dynamiting (DVS - 900 hours / 1 year)
电梯技术 Elevator Mechanics (DVS - 1,800 hours / 2 years)
电子传输线安装 Installation of Electrical Transmission Lines (DVS - 900hours / 1 year)
构造及建筑组装 Structural and Architectural Assembly (DVS - 1,230 hours /1.5 years)
桌面出版 Desktop Publishing (DVS - 1,800 hours / 2 years)
家电应用维修 Home Electrical Appliance Repair (DVS - 1,350 hours /1.5 years)
电子声频/视频设备维修 Electronic Audio/Video Equipment Repair (DVS - 1,800 hours / 2 years)
秘书学 Secretarial Studies (DVS - 1,485 hours / 2 years)
商业设备技术服务 Business Equipment Technical Service (DVS - 1,800 hours / 2 years)
机械配件销售 Sale of Mechanical Parts and Accessories (DVS -1,095 hours / 1.5 years)


魁北克技术移民 2009-10-14 最新评分标准
亲属加分:魁北克技术移民亲属加分,3 分
教育加分:魁北克技术移民受训领域、教育学历评分标准,最高 28 分
语言能力加分:魁北克技术移民语言能力加分,最高 22 分
工作经验加分:魁北克技术移民工作经验加分,最高 8 分
配偶加分:魁北克技术移民配偶加分,最高 16 分
魁省居留:魁北克居留情况加分:最高 5 分
资金能力:魁北克技术移民财政自足能力:最低 1 分

加拿大技术移民评分标准,适用于2015年 Express Entry 流程

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