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ANZSCO 253 医疗从业者 Medical Practitioners - FLYabroad


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ANZSCO 253 医疗从业者 Medical Practitioners - FLYabroad

ANZSCO 253 医疗从业者职责概述 - FLYabroad

• 医疗从业者诊断身体和心理疾病、异常和损伤,为病人提供医疗护理,确定和执行医疗和手术治疗,促进和恢复病人的健康。 MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS diagnose physical and mental illnesses, disorders and injuries, provide medical care to patients, and prescribe and perform medical and surgical treatments to promote and restore good health.

ANZSCO 253 医疗从业者技能要求 Indicative Skill Level - FLYabroad

• 本组中大多数职业都要求具有与学士学位或更高资格相当的技能水平以及接受一至两年的医院培训。在某些情况下还需要五年以上的专业学习和培训(ANZSCO1级水平)。 In Australia and New Zealand: Occupations in this minor group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification and one to two years hospital-based training. In some instances at least five years specialist study and training is also required (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).

ANZSCO 253 医疗从业者主要职责 Tasks Include - FLYabroad

• 检查病人,确定病因,进行测试、X射线和其他诊断程序 examining patients to establish the nature of their complaints, and performing and ordering tests, X-rays and other diagnostic procedures
• 根据测试结果确定诊断方案 determining diagnosis based on examination and results of tests
• 选择适当的治疗方案和疗法,为病人提出进一步的治疗选择、预防和治疗措施方面建议 selecting and administering appropriate treatments and therapies, and advising patients of further treatment options and preventative and therapeutic measures
• 规定治疗方案、配药、准备假肢和矫正设备 prescribing, administering, preparing and dispensing medication and prosthetic and corrective devices
• 监督病人的病情进展及对治疗的反应 monitoring patients' progress and response to treatment
• 记录病人的治疗状况、反应和病情进展 recording patients' illnesses, treatment given and patients' responses and progress
• 在饮食、运动和其他的疾病预防治疗方面为病人提出建议 advising on diet, exercise and other measures to prevent and aid treatment of diseases and disorders

ANZSCO 253 医疗从业者职位列表 List of occupations - FLYabroad

2531 全科医疗从业者 Generalist Medical Practitioners
     253111 全科医疗从业者 General Medical Practitioner
2532 麻醉师 Anaesthetists
     253211 麻醉师 Anaesthetist
2533 内科专家 Internal Medicine Specialists
     253311 专科医师(全科)Specialist Physician (General Medicine)
     253312 心脏病科医师 Cardiologist
     253313 临床血液病医师 Clinical Haematologist
     253314 临床肿瘤医师 Clinical Oncologist
     253315 内分泌医师 Endocrinologist
     253316 消化科医师 Gastroenterologist
     253317 重症监护医师 Intensive Care Specialist
     253318 神经病科医师 Neurologist
     253321 儿科医师 Paediatrician
     253322 肾脏病医师 Renal Medicine Specialist
     253323 风湿病医师 Rheumatologist
     253324 胸腔专科医师 Thoracic Medicine Specialist
     253399 未分类的其他专科医师 Specialist Physicians nec
2534 精神病科医生 Psychiatrists
     253411 神经病学专家 Psychiatrist
2535 外科医生 Surgeons
     253511 外科医生(全能)Surgeon (General)
     253512 心脏外科医生 Cardiothoracic Surgeon
     253513 神经外科医生 Neurosurgeon
     253514 骨科整形医生 Orthopaedic Surgeon
     253515 耳鼻喉科医生 Otorhinolaryngologist
     253516 儿科医师 Paediatric Surgeon
     253517 整形外科医生 Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon
     253518 泌尿科医生 Urologist
     253521 血管外科医生 Vascular Surgeon
2539 其他医疗从业者 Other Medical Practitioners
     253911 皮肤科医生 Dermatologist
     253912 急诊科医生 Emergency Medicine Specialist
     253913 产科和妇科医生 Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
     253914 眼科医生 Ophthalmologist
     253915 病理科医生 Pathologist
     253917 诊断及介入放射学家 Diagnostic and Interventional Radiologist
     253918 放射肿瘤学家 Radiation Oncologist
     253999 未分类的医疗从业者 Medical Practitioners nec

评分标准: 澳大利亚技术移民评分标准


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