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加拿大 B.C 省和艾伯塔省急聘 30 名帮厨,合同期两年,另需要多名厨师及服务员
B.C 省和艾伯塔省急聘 30 名帮厨(Kitchen helpers),服务场所主要是加拿大的酒店(Hotels),温泉度假村(SPA resorts),旅馆(Lodges),客栈(Inn),餐厅(Restaurant)和汽车旅馆(Motel)。工资每月 $1,920 加元(20 工作日),每小时大概 11-12 加元。 >>>> 中文版 。
性别:不限(Gender: Male /Female)
高中及以上学历(High School Diploma)
食品安全培训(Food safety Training)
能够通过药物测试和背景检查(无犯罪记录)(Able to pass drug test and background check (no criminal record) )
至少有2至3年的工作经验(At least 2 to 3 years working experiences)语言:英语(speaking English)
同时:2008-06-30 加拿大最新厨师类招工信息:
温哥华(Vancouver Rest.):
1 ) 2 名厨师
2 ) 3 名帮厨(Kitchen helpers)
3 ) 2-3 名男女服务员
里士满(Richmond Rest.):
1 ) 2 名厨师
2 ) 3 名帮厨(Kitchen helpers)
3 ) 2-3 名女服务员和服务员
哈利法克斯弗朗西斯(Halifax Francis Rest.):
1 ) 3名厨师
2 )前台接待(Front desk servants)
3 ) 3名帮厨(Kitchen helpers)
加拿大厨师类职业职责描述:帮厨(Kitchen helpers); 餐饮服务助理(Food service helpers); 洗碗工(Dishwashers)。
招聘信息原文: New Post Information —Canada 【2008-06-30】
Vancouver Rest.
1) 2 Cooks
2) 3 kitchen helpers
3) 2-3 waitress and waiter
Richmond Rest.
1) 2 cooks
2) 3 kitchen helpers
3) 2-3 waitress and waiter
Halifax Francis Rest:
1) 3 Cooks
2) Front desk servants
3) 3 Kitchen helpers
Grand Prairie, AB Rest:
1) 3 Japanese cooks
30 Kitchen Helpers –Urgent!
Serve customers at counters or buffet tables, Portion and wrap foods, Package take-out food, Stock refrigerators and salad bars, Wash, peel and cut vegetables and fruit, Clean and sanitize kitchen including work surfaces, cupboards, storage areas, appliances and equipment, Remove kitchen garbage and trash, Sweep and mop floors.
-Skills: Clear and clean tables, trays and chairs, Load buspans and trays, Set tables, Replenish condiments and other supplies at tables and serving.
Services: Hotels, SPA resorts, Lodges, Inn, Restaurant and Motel
- No Housing
- No meal/working day
- 40h/week + possible over time
- Medical Insurance (self-paid) WCB (worker compensation board insurance covered by the employer; working injury)
- Salary CAD$1,920 per month (20 days) @$11-12/ per hour
*Subject to the contract.
- 24 months contracts
¨ Gender: Male /Female
¨ Married
¨ Age 27-42
¨ High School Diploma.
¨ Foodsafety Training
¨ Able to pass drug test and background check (no criminal record)
¨ At least 2 to 3 years working experiences
¨ speaking iEnglish
Kitchen helpers perform some or all of the following duties:
Food service helpers perform some or all of the following duties:
Dishwashers perform some or all of the following duties:
加拿大工作签证申请程序 ;
加拿大住家保姆 ;
FLYabroad 加拿大工作签证自助服务及服务费用 。