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新西兰未来发展行业 - FLYabroad


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新西兰未来发展领域 - FLYabroad

新西兰未来发展行业(Identified future growth area),新西兰移民局并未给出此领域的详细职位清单,而是用一个比较抽象的描述来定义,凡符合以下行业的职业均可以被认可为未来发展行业:

* 生物技术 Biotechnology
* 信息通信技术 Information Communications Technology
* 创意产业(广告,软件和计算机服务,出版,电视,广播,电影和音像,建筑,设计,时尚设计,音乐和表演艺术,视觉艺术)。Creative industries (Advertising, Software & Computing Services, Publishing, TV and Radio, Film and Video, Architecture, Design, Designer Fashion, Music and Performing Arts, Visual Arts).

新西兰未来发展行业额外加分情况(2011.7.25) - FLYabroad

备注:如果申请人想获得未来发展领域的额外加分,必须先持有一份相关的新西兰技能雇佣合同(skilled employment)或工作邀请(job offer)。无job offer提交移民申请的海外申请人,无法获得未来发展领域的额外加分。

1、持有未来发展领域的新西兰技术雇佣 Employment in an identified future growth area - 10分

如果申请人持有一份隶属未来发展领域的新西兰工作邀请(job offer)或当前正被雇佣(skilled employment)则可以获得10分的额外加分。Skilled employment in one of the identified future growth areas set out above will only qualify for points if the principal applicant provides confirmation from their employer, and an immigration officer is satisfied, that their current employment or offer of employment is in one of those identified future growth areas.

2、拥有未来发展领域的工作经验 Work experience in an identified future growth area - 10分(2~5年) OR 15分(6年+)

1)申请人持有一份符合新西兰技能雇佣加分标准的工作邀请(job offer)或当前正被雇佣(skilled employment)且隶属未来发展领域,并且;the principal applicant has points for current skilled employment or an offer of skilled employment in an identified future growth area; and
2)工作经验与当前新西兰的工作雇佣相关。the experience is relevant to that employment .

3、拥有未来发展领域的学历 Qualifications in an identified future growth area - 10分

1) 申请人持有一份符合新西兰技能雇佣加分标准的工作邀请(job offer)或当前正被雇佣(skilled employment)且隶属未来发展领域,并且;the principal applicant has points for current skilled employment or an offer of skilled employment in an identified future growth area; and
2) 学历与当前新西兰的工作雇佣相关。the qualification is relevant to that employment.

满足下列条件的被认为学历与工作相关 A recognised qualification is relevant to skilled employment in an area of identified future growth if an immigration officer is satisfied that:
a. 认可学历的主修科目与未来发展领域的技术雇佣相关 the major subject area of the recognised qualification is directly applicable to skilled employment in an identified future growth area that qualifies for points ; and
b. 且此技术雇佣的职业须有一定的学历 the skilled employment is in an occupation for which that qualification is a core requirement.

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