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阿尔伯塔省家庭类移民担保条件(Sponsor Eligibility)


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加拿大阿尔伯塔省家庭担保移民(AINP-Family)担保人担保资格(Sponsor Eligibility)

年满 21 周岁并且在阿尔伯塔省居住两年以上的加拿大公民或者永久居民,具有一定的资金担保能力,就可以担保某些亲属(不包括配偶)通过阿尔伯塔省提名家庭担保移民程序(AINP-Family)移民阿尔伯塔省。

担保人的担保期是两年(the sponsor guarantees their support to a foreign national family member for a minimum of two (2) years from the date on which the family member receives their confirmation of permanent residence from Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC)),该期间被担保人(Candidate)及其随行家庭成员不能享受加拿大政府及省政府的社会救助及补贴(social assistance or other government income support program)。

如果被担保的申请人没有在 Alberta 省定居或担保人有过没有承担担保义务的历史,则担保人就会丧失担保其他亲属移民 Alberta 的权利。同时如果担保人有配偶(或 common-law partner)则担保人的配偶(或 common-law partner)也需要同意该担保。担保一旦被 AINP 确认就不能撤销(拒绝承担担保义务)。

担保人(及其配偶)在担保期内(包括联邦的担保,加拿大各省、领地的担保,当然也包括阿尔伯塔省的担保)不能同时担保多个申请人。(neither the sponsor, nor the spouse or common-law partner (if applicable) of the sponsor, are otherwise currently obligated to meet the conditions of any other sponsorship agreement entered into with a Government of a Province or Territory of Canada, including the Government of Alberta, or the Government of Canada)。


Your parent, child, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, niece or nephew by birth or legal adoption……

二、担保人年满 21 周岁;
At least 21 years of age…

三、担保人是加拿大公民或者加拿大永久居民(2 年以上)
A Canadian citizen or permanent resident (for at least two years) of Canada…

四、担保人现在居住在阿尔伯塔省(Alberta),并且过去的两年一直居住在 Alberta ;
Currently residing in Alberta, and must have been residing in Alberta for the past two years…

五、担保人需要提供过去 12 个月的收入证明(包括工作,私人养老金或者其他正当收入来源),或者至少 $15,000 加币的资产证明(不包括珠宝,汽车等个人资产)及其他政府补贴(老年补贴,退休金等);
Able to demonstrate employment, private pension or other regular source of income for the past …12 months or a minimum of CAD $15,000 in unencumbered, transferable and available assets (jewellery, cars or other personal assets are not considered) over and above any income received from government transfer payments (e.g. Old Age Security, Canada Pension Plan, etc.)

· 申请资格:阿尔伯塔省提名家庭担保移民(AINP-Family)申请资格(Candidate Eligibility)

FLYabroad 提供专业优质的 加拿大省提名家庭类移民个人代理自助服务 ;有问题可以到 FLYabroad 自助移民论坛 - 加拿大省提名 版块讨论。


阿尔伯塔省最新省提名移民项目 AINP
纽芬兰家庭关系类移民(依亲移民 Family Connections Category)
加拿大联邦家庭团聚移民(家庭担保类移民 Family Class)
加拿大家庭成员定义(Family Member Definitions)加拿大联邦技术移民

2006 - 2008 年加拿大移民配额
2004 - 2007 年加拿大移民审批情况
2004 - 2006 年加拿大新移民十大来源国家

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