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萨省省提名家庭成员担保移民(SINP Family Members Category)申请中包含的成员(Who is Included with Your Application)


申请中必须包含所有家庭成员(dependents)信息,不论他们是否与你一起移民(定居)加拿大,否则,他们以后就不能作为你 SINP 申请的一部分。
You must list all dependents on your application to the SINP Family Members Category whether or not they are coming to Canada with you.Dependent family members that are not included in your application cannot be nominated for permanent residence as part of your SINP application at a later date.

主申请人的父母,兄弟姐妹不包含在 SINP 申请中,他们如果希望以后移民需要你在加拿大(萨省)达到担保要求后再通过 SINP 程序担保。
if you are the main applicant your parents, brothers and sisters are not included in the SINP application.

配偶或普通法伴侣(Spouses or common-law partners)可以与申请随行,但配偶不能被 SINP 家庭移民担保,您需要通过加拿大联邦团聚移民申请夫妻团聚。

随行的家庭成员包括(Accompanying dependents include):
• 配偶(Spouse – A husband or wife of the opposite or same sex)
• 普通法伴侣(Common-law partner – A person of the opposite or same sex with whom you have lived in a committed relationship for at least one year. This relationship is considered to be a marriage but is not a legal marriage)
• 受供养子女,包括 18 岁以下的继子继女、收养子女(Dependent children – Daughters and sons, including step-children and children adopted before the age of 18) 同时包括不在你监护下的子女(and children who are not in your custody who),他们必须满足下列条件
        o 22 周岁以下,未婚(Is under the age of 22 and does not have a spouse or common-law partner);
        o 超过 22 周岁,但从 22 岁之前开始到现在一直全职读书(Is currently a full-time student and financially supported by their parents since before turning 22 or from the date of becoming a spouse or common-law partner if this happened before the age of 22; or)或者
        o 从 22 周岁前到现在就依靠你生活,并且由于健康原因没有自立能力(Has depended on your financial support before turning 22 and is unable to support themselves due to a medical condition)
• 超龄子女如果满足下面条件可以单独申请提名(Overage dependent children – Daughters and sons that no longer meet the definition of dependent child may be issued a separate nomination if they):
        o 22 - 29 周岁之间(Are between the age of 22 and 29)
        o 未婚(Are not married);
        o 中学毕业(Have a minimum of grade twelve certificate (or secondary equivalent));
        o 没有配偶及子女(Have no dependents; and)并且:
        o 22 周岁之前还没有被全日制高等学校录取或者在 CIC 签发签证前可以毕业(Have not been enrolled in full time post secondary education since before the age of 22 or will complete education before CIC issuance of a Permanent Resident visa)

详见 加拿大萨省 (Saskatchewan)省提名家庭成员担保移民(SINP Family Members Category)申请条件及申请步骤

FLYabroad 提供专业优质的 加拿大省提名家庭类移民个人代理自助服务 ;有问题可以到 FLYabroad 自助移民论坛 - 加拿大省提名 版块讨论。


加拿大联邦家庭团聚移民(家庭担保类移民 Family Class)

2006 - 2008 年加拿大移民配额
2004 - 2007 年加拿大移民审批情况
2004 - 2006 年加拿大新移民十大来源国家

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