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FLYabroad 澳洲国家会计师协会 NIA 评估机构介绍

澳洲国家会计师协会(National Institute of Accountants,NIA) 是澳大利亚移民部认可一般技术移民(GSM)会计职业评估机构,主要对以下职业进行评估:

* 会计 Accountant ASCO 2211-11
* 财务经理 Finance Manager ASCO 1211-11
* 会计-公司财务主管 Accountant – Corporate Treasurer ASCO 2213-11
* 会计-外聘审计员 Accountant – External Auditor ASCO 2212-11

NIA 技能评估(Skills Assessment)注重既往教育,不注重工作经历,任何工作经历都不能替代实际的教育认证。NIA 会计师评估学历要求澳洲学士学位或者对等学历。如果没有澳洲学士学位对等学历或者根本就没有本科学历,在这种情况下,你必须完成 16 单元专业会计课程,NIA 将把此作为你的第一学位。

NIA 国家会计师协会技能评估(Skills Assessment)申请条件

Have you acquired skills in finance, record-keeping, account processing or other relevant skills at work?

Have you acquired skills from other experiences (for example, treasurer or other office bearer of a club or society) that relates to the performance of duties in the financial services area?

Have you completed, or partly completed, a qualification in accounting, commerce, financial services, banking, finance or a related area which you wish to upgrade to a higher level?

NIA 会计职业评估通过函样本 NIA-081106.pdf

NIA 国家会计师协会评估的必要课程

To succeed, the standard of your qualifications (with a sequence in accounting or related field) will need to be assessed as comparable to an Australian Bachelor Degree, and cover at least nine of the following core knowledge areas:

- 基础会计学 Basic Accounting
- 财务会计和企业会计 Financial and Corporate Accounting
- 会计标准与理论 Current Accounting Issues (standards and theory)
- 成本会计和管理会计 Cost and Management Accounting
- 企业财务 Business Finance
- 审计 Auditing
- 法律基础 Introductory Law (including contracts)
- 经济学 Economics
- 统计学 Statistics
- 计算机信息系统 Computer Information Systems
- 税收法 Taxation Law
- 公司法 Company Law

NIA 国家会计师协会评估申请程序

1. 完成学历评估 Study this leaflet, complete the form “Qualifications Assessment for Migration and Membership”.
2. 公证所需文件 Obtain certified copies of the required documents.
3. 完成申请表格,文件和评估费用 Complete and return the form, documents and assessment fee to the address below.

NIA 国家会计师协会评估材料清单

申请表格 Completed application form

评估费:350 澳币 Payment of AUD350 (no GST is payable)

邮寄费用 5 澳币(澳内)或15澳币(澳外)(需要邮寄的话) additional fee (AUD5 or AUD15) for the Express Post options

指定第三方代理的原始授权信(如果有指定代理情况)(Original authourity letter appoint third part to act )

学位学历证书 Academic qualifications/degree certificates/awards

成绩单 Academic transcripts/results (include overleaf page with grading system and/or subject legend)

教学大纲 Syllabus details/subject outlines, clearly marked, to show all the relevant subjects completed

专业会计---会员证书,考试结果,培训证书 Membership certificates, examination results and training certificates for professional accounting bodies

身份证明 Proof of identity, eg. passport, national identity card

更名证明 Evidence of any name variations on your documents, eg. marriage certificate, Statutory Declaration

NIA国家会计师评估周期一般 8 周。收到 NIA 补料信,6个月之内不给 NIA 答复的,将视为失效。NIA 国家会计师协会评估上诉,重新评估过后的12个月内可以提出上诉。NIA国家会计师协会评估通过函的有效期:5年。

NIA 国家会计师协会评估申请费用:350 澳币,重新评估费用:100澳币。可以通过 Bank drafts, cheques drawn on Australian banks or Australian money orders should be made payable to “National Institute of Accountants”. Bank drafts must nominate a corresponding Australian bank. Approved credit cards may be used for payment.


Manager – Qualifications Assessment
Qualifications Assessment Recognition
National Institute of Accountants
Level 6, 555 Lonsdale Street
Melbourne VIC 3000

Phone: 61 3 8665 3100
Fax: 61 3 8665 3130
Email: [email protected]

附:NIA 国家会计师协会评估有关证书的可选课程

1. NIA 评估三级证书的课程(会计文员)Certificate III in Financial Services (Accounts Clerical)

This qualification is designed to reflect the role of employees who perform duties such as:

应付/应收账款 Accounts payable/accounts receivable
工资表 Payroll
出纳 Cashier
制备试算表 Preparation of trial balance
薄计 Bookkeeping
电子资金转账 EFT/e-business
商品买卖? Purchases and sales
手工和电算化 Manual and computerised systems
准备金融系统 Preparation of financial systems

To attain a Certificate III in Financial Services (Accounts Clerical) 13 units must be achieved:

4个行业核心单元 4 industry core units

FNSICIND301B 在金融服务工业工作 Work in the financial services industry

FNSICGEN301B 在工作场所内沟通交流 Communicate in the workplace

FNSICGEN302B 在工作场所内使用技术 Use technology in the workplace

FNSICGEN304B 在工作场所应用健康安全的做法 Apply health and safety practices in the workplace

5个专题核心单元 5 sectoral core units

FNSICACC304B 准备银行外汇凭据 Prepare and bank receipts

FNSICACC306B 处理日记账分录 Process journal entries

FNSICGEN305B 做财务或者营业记录 Maintain daily financial/business records

BSBCMN308A 做财务记录 Maintain financial records#

BSBADM408A 做财务报告 Prepare financial reports

4个任选单元 4 elective units

FNSICACC301B 管理应付账款 Administer accounts payable

FNSICACC302B 管理财务账目 Administer financial accounts

FNSICACC303B 准备处理单据 Prepare, match and process receipts

FNSICACC305B 处理付款文件 Process payment documentation

FNSICACC307B 调节管理应收项目 Reconcile and monitor accounts receivable

BSBADM308A 处理工资单 Process payroll

BSBCMN214A 创建使用简单的电子数据表 Create and use simple spreadsheets

You may choose all 4 electives from the above electives. However, 2 alternative electives may be chosen from the following page instead of the electives above:

BSBCMN406A 商业技术 Maintain business technology

FNSACCT407B 创建会计电算化 Set up and operate a computerised accounting system#

FNSICACC401B 评估审核付款要求 Evaluate and authorise payment requests

FNSACCT402B 工作成本信息处理 Produce job costing information

FNSACCT403B 营运预算 Prepare operational budgets

FNSACCT404B 在法律范围内做决定 Make decisions within a legal context

FNSACCT405B 财务决算 Prepare financial statements

FNSACCT406B 资产评估和存货记录 Maintain asset and inventory records

2. NIA 评估四级证书的课程(会计) Certificate IV in Financial Services (Accounting)

This qualification is designed to reflect the role of employees who perform duties such as:

完成业务活动报表和其他的办公室税务表格 Completing Business Activity Statements (BAS) and other office tax forms
营运报告 Operational reporting
生产基本管理报告 Producing basic management reports
生产基本工作成本报告 Producing basic job costing reports
准备预算 Preparing budgets
管理计算机系统操作 Supervising the operation of computer-based systems
对会计信息进行分类,记录和报告 Classifying, recording and reporting accounting information
保存库存记录 Maintaining inventory records
管理小型办事处 Managing a small office
在法律范围内做决策 Making decisions in a legal context

To attain a Certificate IV in Financial Services (Accounting) 13 units must be achieved:

4个行业核心 单元 4 industry core units

FNSICIND401B 在金融服务工作中运用专业实践原理 Apply principles of professional practice to work in the financial services industry

FNSICGEN301B 在工作场所内沟通交流 Communicate in the workplace

FNSICGEN302B 在工作场所内使用技术 Use technology in the workplace

FNSICGEN304B 在工作场所应用健康安全的做法 Apply health and safety practices in the workplace

6个专题核心单元 6 sectoral core units

FNSACCT401B 工艺营业税的要求 Process business tax requirements

FNSACCT402B 生产工作成本信息 Produce job costing information

FNSACCT403B 准备营运预算 Prepare operational budgets

FNSACCT404B 在法律范围内做决定 Make decisions within a legal context

FNSACCT405B 准备财务报表 Prepare financial statements

FNSACCT406B 保存资产和库存记录 Maintain asset and inventory records

3个选修单元 3 elective units

FNSICACC401B 评估评审付款要求 Evaluate and authorise payment requests

FNSACCT407B 建立操作会计电算化系统 Set up and operate a computerised accounting system

BSBCMN406A 保存商业技术 Maintain business technology

You may choose all 3 electives from the above electives. However, 2 alternative electives may be chosen from the following page instead of the electives above:

FNSICACC306B 处理日记账分录 Process journal entries

BSBADM408A 准备财务报告 Prepare financial reports

BSBCMN308A 保存财务记录 Maintain financial records

FNSICACC304B 准备银行外汇凭据 Prepare and bank receipts

FNSICGEN305B 保存日财务/业务记录 Maintain daily financial/business records

FNSICACC301B 管理应付款项 Administer accounts payable

FNSICACC307B 调节监管应收项目 Reconcile and monitor accounts receivable

FNSICORG516B 准备财务报告满足法定要求 Prepare financial reports to meet statutory requirements

These units are prerequisites to the Diploma of Accounting. If you intend to continue on to the Diploma, it is preferable to include some of these units as your Certificate IV electives.

3. NIA 会计文凭课程 Diploma of Accounting

This qualification is designed to reflect the role of employees who perform duties such as:

准备报税 Preparing tax returns
汇报经营业绩 Reporting on business performance
管理小团队 Managing small teams
发展业务计划 Developing business plans
准备管理财务报表 Preparing management accounting reports
为报告实体准备财务报表 Financial statements for a reporting entity

□得到会计文凭,要学17个单元。To attain a Diploma of Accounting, 17 units must be achieved:

5个先修单元 5 prerequisite units

FNSICACC304B 准备银行外汇凭据 Prepare and bank receipts

FNSICACC306B 处理日记账分录 Process journal entries

FNSACC407B 建立操作会计电算化 Set up and operate a computerised accounting system

BSBADM408A 准备财务报告 Prepare financial reports

BSBCMN308A 保存财务记录 Maintain financial records

4个行业业单元 4 industry core units

FNSICIND401B 在金融服务工作中运用专业实践原理 Apply principles of professional practice to work in the financial services industry

FNSICGEN301B 在工作场所内沟通交流 Communicate in the workplace

FNSICGEN302B 在工作场所内使用 Use technology in the workplace

FNSICGEN304B 在工作场所应用健康安全的做法 Apply health and safety practices in the workplace

5个专题核心单元 5 sectoral core units

FNSACCT502B 准备报税 Prepare income tax returns

FNSACCT503B 管理预算和预测 Manage budgets and forecasts

FNSACCT504B 为报告实体准备财务报告 Prepare financial reports for a reporting entity

FNSACCT506B 实施维护内部控制程序 Implement and maintain internal control procedures

FNSACCT507B 提供会计管理信息 Provide management accounting information

3个选修单元 3 elective units

你必须从下面选择一个标准的选修单元。 You must choose at least 1 standard elective unit from the following:

FNSACCT501B 提供财务和业务信息 Provide financial and business performance information

FNSACCT505B 建立维护财务信息系统 Establish and maintain accounting information systems

FNSICACC401B 评估评审付款需求 Evaluate and authorise payment requests

FNSICORG510B 管理个人职业发展 Manage own professional development

FNSICORG516B 准备财务报告满足法定需求 Prepare financial reports to meet statutory requirements

FNSICORG608B 控制预算 Control a budget

FNSICORG609B 发展管理财务系统 Develop and manage financial systems

You may choose all 3 electives from the above standard electives. However, 2 alternative electives may be chosen from the following instead:

FNSACCT401B 处理业务保税要求 Process business tax requirements

FNSACCT402B 生产工作成本信息 Produce job costing information

FNSACCT403B 准备操作预算 Prepare operational budgets

FNSACCT404B 在法定范围内做决定 Make decisions within a legal context

FNSACCT405B 准备财务报表 Prepare financial statements

FNSACCT406B 保存资产库存记录 Maintain asset inventory records?


Advanced Diploma of Accounting
This qualification is designed to reflect the role of employees who perform duties such as:

税务计划 Tax planning
业务绩效评估 Evaluating business performance (financial modelling)
执行内部和外部的审计 Performing internal and external audit functions
执行监督审计 Performing and supervising auditing
管理财务/个人计划 Managing financial/personal planning
管理一个组或者一个部门 Managing a team or a department

拿到高级会计文凭,必须学17个单元。To attain an Advanced Diploma of Accounting, 17 units must be achieved:

4个行业单元 4 industry core units

FNSICIND401B 运用专业实践原理 Apply principles of professional practice to work in the financial services industry

FNSICGEN301B 在工作中沟通交流 Communicate in the workplace

FNSICGEN302B 在工作中使用技术 Use technology in the workplace

FNSICGEN304B 在工作中用健康安全的方法 Apply health and safety practices in the workplace

5个先选单元 5 prerequisite units

FNSACCT502B 准备所得税申报表 Prepare income tax returns

FNSACCT503B 管理预算预测 Manage budgets and forecasts

FNSACCT504B 为报告实体准备财务报告 Prepare financial reports for a reporting entity

FNSACCT506B 实施保持内部控制程序 Implement and maintain internal control procedures

FNSACCT507B 提供会计管理信息 Provide management accounting information

1个专题单元 1 sectoral core unit

FNSACCT604B 监督公司治理 Monitor corporate governance activities

7 elective units are required to be chosen. You must choose at least 4 standard elective units from the following:

FNSACCT601B 准备纳税申报单 Prepare complex tax returns and lodgements

FNSACCT602B 审核报告有关财务系统和记录 Audit and report on financial systems and records

FNSACCT603B 实施税务计划评估税收Implement tax plans and evaluate tax compliance

FNSACCT605B 实施改良方案 Implement organisational improvement programs

FNSACCT606B 执行内部审核 Conduct internal audit

FNSACCT607B 评估经营业绩 Evaluate business performance*

FNSACCT608B 评估财务业绩 Evaluate organisation’s financial performance

FNSACCT609B 评估财务风险 Evaluate financial risk

FNSACCT610B 发展实施财务策略 Develop and implement financial strategies

FNSACCT611B 实施破产计划 Implement an insolvency program

FNSACCT612B 实施重建计划 Implement reconstruction plan

FNSACCT613B 准备分析会计管理信息 Prepare and analyse management accounting information

FNSACCT614B 准备复杂的公司财务报告 Prepare complex corporate financial reports

FNSICORG609B 发展管理财务系统 Develop and manage financial systems

FNSRISK602B 决定管理风险承担策略 Determine and manage risk exposure strategies

You may choose all 7 electives from the standard electives on the previous page. However, 3 alternative electives may be chosen from the following instead:

FNSACCT501B 提供财务和经营业务信息 Provide financial and business performance information

FNSACCT505B 建立维护财务管理系统 Establish and maintain accounting information systems

FNSICORG510B 管理自身的专业发展 Manage own professional development

FNSICORG516B 准备财务报告 Prepare financial reports to meet statutory requirements

FNSICORG608B 控制预算 Control a budget

澳大利亚技术移民 critical skills list (CSL 优先处理职业),2008-12-17 公布。
澳大利亚最新紧缺职业 - 2008.05.17 FLYabroad 总结最新 MODL
澳大利亚技术移民 60 分职业
澳大利亚技术移民 50 分职业

加拿大技术移民 38 大类移民紧缺职业

FLYabroad 签证工作室自助服务:澳大利亚技术移民自助服务加拿大技术移民自助服务

澳大利亚技术移民:澳大利亚 175,176,475 类技术移民
加拿大技术移民:加拿大联邦技术移民(2008.11.28 紧缺职业类)
澳洲紧缺职业列表(MODL): 最新澳大利亚移民紧缺职业列表(2008-05)
评分标准: 澳大利亚技术移民评分标准加拿大技术移民评分标准
澳洲技术职业列表 Skilled Occupation List (SOL)

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