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FLYabroad 澳洲医师协会(AMC)评估机构介绍

申请澳洲移民获得永久居留权的海外医师必须具备完全注册资格。For immigration purposes, doctors seeking permanent residency in Australia must hold full medical registration. 澳洲医师协会(Australian Medical Council) 负责对海外医生移民进行职业评估,同时负责澳洲医师的注册。

申请移民澳洲的海外医生,必须向欲定居行医的州或领域的医疗局(Medical Board)申请注册。成功获注册身份的才可以向移民部提出有效的技术移民申请。

若申请人的资历不是被澳洲医师协会(Australian Medical Council)直接承认的, 申请人便需要参加AMC的考试,考试分笔试及诊断两类,通过后还需实习一段时期,取得承认资格后再向州或领域的医疗局申请注册。

如申请人是海外受训的专科医师, 则需要向澳洲的有关专科学院(Specialist Medical College)提出资历评估申请, 取得承认资格后再向州或领域的医疗局申请注册。

AMC的英语要求是雅思A类7分或OET A或B。评估在澳洲境内进行,因此申请人须持有效性签证前来,笔试及诊断考试往往分隔几达一年, 若笔试不合格便只能复考,时间更长,各类考试费用由一千多至数千元不等。

Public Health Qualifications (People’s Republic of China)(Thursday, 29 January 2009)

The AMC will not accept qualifications in Public Health medicine from the People’s Republic of China as these qualifications do not meet the requirements of completion of a primary degree in medicine and surgery awarded after an approved course of study leading to entitlement to practice clinical medicine. Unless evidence is provided of satisfactory completion of training in clinical medicine, holders of qualifications in Public Health medicine, such as Chinese Public Health degrees, are not considered as holding a valid degree in medicine and surgery for the purposes of eligibility to sit the AMC Examinations.

AMC 承认如下州或领地颁发的完全注册证书(The department will accept one of the following certificates issued by the State or Territory Medical Board as evidence of full registration):

A.完全的/无条件的/普通注册 full/unconditional/general medical registration

B.有条件的专科医师注册 conditional specialist registration - this registration allows you to practise only in your particular speciality, with no further training or supervision requirements.

澳洲海外专科医师评估需满足的基本条件:本科或以上学历,一年的医院培训(one year’s hospital-based training,),至少5年的专业学习和培训经历,专业注册或许可。 The entry requirement for this occupation is a bachelor degree or higher qualification, one year’s hospital-based training, and at least 5 years specialist study and training. Registration or licensing is required.


职业名称: ASCO 代码:
执业医师 Medical Practitioner - 普通职业医师 General Medical Practitioner 2311-11
执业医师 Medical Practitioner - 麻醉师 Anaesthetist 2312-11
执业医师 Medical Practitioner - 皮肤科医生 Dermatologist 2312-13
执业医师 Medical Practitioner - 急诊专科医生 Emergency Medicine Specialist 2312-15
执业医师 Medical Practitioner - 产科医师与妇科专家 Obstetrician and Gynaecologist 2312-17
执业医师 Medical Practitioner - 眼科医师 Ophthalmologist 2312-19
执业医师 Medical Practitioner - 儿科医师 Paediatrician 2312-21
执业医师 Medical Practitioner - 病理学者 Pathologist 2312-23
执业医师 Medical Practitioner - 内科医生 Specialist Physician 2312-25
执业医师 Medical Practitioner - 精神病医师 Psychiatrist 2312-27
执业医师 Medical Practitioner - 放射科医师 Radiologist 2312-29
执业医师 Medical Practitioner - 外科医生 Surgeon 2312-31
执业医师 Medical Practitioner - 执业专科医生(无其它分类) Specialist Medical Practitioners (not elsewhere classified) 2312-79

澳洲海外医师技能评估 Skills assessment process

提名职业是执业医师(Medical Practitioner)的申请人须满足:

1.澳洲医学委员会 AMC(Australian Medical Council)要求:
AMC 专业医师评估基本条件:

A.身份证明 provide evidence of identity; AND

B.医学与外科相关专业学位possess a primary degree in medicine and surgery awarded:

C.审定课程学习 following an approved course of study, AND

D.世界医学名录(World Directory of Medical Schools)中的学校,国际医学教育和研究促进委员会FAIMER(Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research)的国际医学教育目录中IMED(International Medical Education Directory)或其他AMC认可的机构所颁布的学校,

E.语言能力:雅思学术类单项7分,职业英语考试 OET 为A或B级(2年有效期)

2.向欲执业州或地区的医疗局申请完全医疗注册,(full medical registration )

Evidence of full medical registration constitutes a skills assessment for the occupation of 'Medical Practitioner' for the purposes of migration under the General Skilled Migration program.

The department will accept one of the following certificates issued by the State or Territory Medical Board as evidence of full registration:

1. 完全的/无条件的/普通医疗注册 full/unconditional/general medical registration

2. 有条件注册-该种注册仅允许申请人在自己的特定专业领域执业实践,无进一步的培训或监督要求。
conditional specialist registration - this registration allows you to practise only in your particular speciality, with no further training or supervision requirements.


1. 毕业于澳洲或新西兰医学委员会认可的医学院,一段时期的实习训练经历
you are a graduate of an Australian or New Zealand Australian Medical Council accredited medical school and have completed an approved period of intern training

2. 持有海外证书的申请人须满足:

A. 通过了AMC考试(MCQ和临床考试),合格的语言能力;
you have successfully completed the Australian Medical Council examination -including both the multiple choice questionnaire and the clinical examination

B. 获得AMC证书;you have been awarded the Australian Medical Council Certificate

C.州或地区医疗局认可的监督培训; you have completed a period of supervised training approved by a State or Territory Medical Board.

Once you have met the requirements outlined above, you must apply to the Medical Board in the State or Territory in which you intend to practise for full/unconditional/general medical registration, which entitles you to practise in Australia.

有条件注册 Conditional Specialist registration

澳洲不认可的海外证书持有人必须由AMC/专家医学院(Specialist Medical College)来评估其是否同澳洲执业医师具有同等资质。澳洲专科学院认可的申请人必须向自己打算执业的州或地区医疗局申请有条件注册。


· 研究生/职业培训 postgraduate (occupational) training 
· 受监督的培训,授课或研究 supervised training, teaching or research,
· 公共利益/需求范围 Public Interest/Areas of Need,
· disciplinary or health conditions
· 海外医师 Overseas Trained Specialist ——持有的海外证书与澳洲医师具备同等水平(澳洲专家医学院所认可 Australian Specialist Medical Colleges)

澳洲医学委员会 AMC(Australian Medical Council)负责评估欲在澳洲执业的国际医学院毕业的申请人(international medical graduates),评估方式有四种: Competent authority pathway;
Standard Pathway (AMC Examination);
Standard Pathway (workplace-based assessment);
Specialist assessment (full comparability / Area of Need)。

1.Competent authority pathway
适用于完成了指定的海外主管当局(competent authorities)所认可的培训和评估欲申请non-specialist positions的医学毕业生;该条件的毕业生们可申请免考AMC考试,但是必须通过 workplace-based assessment。一般适用于在新西兰,加拿大等国家接受教育的人。

2.Standard Pathway (AMC Examination)
AMC考试包括2部分:多项选择MCQ考试和临床考试;MCQ考试在一天内举行:形式是5选1的多项选择题;分2部分,每部分3个半小时,各包括125个问题。临床考试需3到4个小时。MCQ考试费用:A$1,830.00. 临床考试费用:A$2,510.00. AMC考试的任何部分都没有时间限制(There is no time limit on any part of the AMC examination process.)

3.Standard Pathway (workplace-based assessment)
适用于不具备Competent authority pathway或Specialist pathway评估资格的申请人。

4.专科医师评估 Specialist assessment (full comparability / Area of Need)
A.Standard specialist pathway
The standard specialist pathway is for overseas-trained specialists who are seeking recognition for the purpose of obtaining conditional registration to practise unsupervised or independently in Australia. They must have satisfied all the training and examination requirements to practise in their recognised field of specialty in their country of training.

B.Specialist area of need pathway
   适用于澳洲雇主认为申请人符合指定医生职业(designated area of need specialist positions)的海外医师;有条件注册资格对符合该条件的申请人在执业地点(location),性质(nature   )和程度(extent)上有限制。

评估申请周期:除了Area of Need applications ,一般为6到8周


1.area of need pathway 评估;to be assessed under the Area of Need pathway for work as a specialist in an Area of Need position;

work as a hospital non-specialist in the public hospital system (Please note: an OTS may not provide unsupervised specialist medical services in either the public hospital or private system without registration to practise in that specialty); or

3.研究生培训;undertake postgraduate training; or

4.相关的医疗局可能会赋予海外受训医师一定的限制注册权,海外医师可先工作一段时间以达到医学院要求从而获得医师认可条件。the relevant Medical Board may grant restricted registration for an OTS to work under supervision in order to complete College requirements for specialist recognition

不符合完全注册要求欲以医院非专家身份工作的海外受训医生必须在an Area of Need申请一职位,雇主(医院)如果觉得申请人符合职位条件并满足英语能力要求的话,会担保申请人移民并帮助申请人进行有条件医疗注册。
The OTD(overseas trained doctors ) must apply for a position in an Area of Need, if they wish to work as a hospital non-specialist and they do not have full medical registration in Australia. The employer (the hospital), will determine your suitability for the position. If they are satisfied that you are suitable for the position (including your English language proficiency), the employer will sponsor you for immigration purposes and support your application for conditional medical registration for the position.

海外受训医生需具备的基本要求: Checklist for overseas trained doctors

1. AMC 要求的语言能力(雅思 A 类7,OET A或B); Satisfy Australian Medical Council (AMC) English language proficiency requirements.

2. 普通医师(GPs/家庭医师)必须通过AMC考试;General practitioners (GPs/family physicians) must pass the AMC exam consisting of theory and clinical components.
  医院非专家(Hospital non-specialists)必须满足Area of Need职位相关州或地区医疗局的具体注册要求; must meet the specific registration requirements of the relevant State or   Territory Medical Board for an Area of Need position.
  专科医生须通过相关专科医学院的认可;Specialists must apply to the relevant Specialist Medical College for recognition as a specialist via the AMC.

3. 申请签证,通过必要的性格/警局/和体检; Apply for a visa and pass required character/police and medical checks.

4. 确定一适当的工作(大多数海外受训医生首先需要在一Area of Need职位工作一段时间)Identify an appropriate job. (Most OTDs will initially have to work in an Area of Need   position).

5. 向相关州或地区的医疗局申请注册; Apply to the relevant State/Territory Medical Board for medical registration.

6. 获得澳洲medical indemnity cover; Obtain medical indemnity cover in Australia

AMC 职业评估联系方式:

Australian Medical Council
Level 2, 40 Macquarie St
Barton ACT 2600

通信地址 Postal Address:

PO Box 4810
Kingston ACT 2604

Telephone: 61 2 6270 9777
Fax: 61 2 6270 9799
Email: [email protected]

澳大利亚技术移民 critical skills list (CSL 优先处理职业),2008-12-17 公布。
澳大利亚最新紧缺职业 - 2008.05.17 FLYabroad 总结最新 MODL
澳大利亚技术移民 60 分职业
澳大利亚技术移民 50 分职业

加拿大技术移民 38 大类移民紧缺职业

FLYabroad 签证工作室自助服务:澳大利亚技术移民自助服务加拿大技术移民自助服务

加拿大技术移民:加拿大联邦技术移民(2008.11.28 紧缺职业类)
澳洲紧缺职业列表(MODL): 最新澳大利亚移民紧缺职业列表(2008-05)
评分标准: 澳大利亚技术移民评分标准加拿大技术移民评分标准
澳洲技术职业列表 Skilled Occupation List (SOL)



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