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纽芬兰团聚类移民(NLPNP Family Connections Category)申请人资格(Eligibility Criteria for the Relative)


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如果申请者有父母,(外)祖父母,兄弟姐妹,侄子侄女,外甥外甥女,或者同等的 step- 亲属 或 in-law 亲属加拿大纽芬兰省(Newfoundland & Labrador)的永久居民或公民,并且该亲属在纽芬兰省(NL)连续居住一年以上(参考担保资格),就可以考虑是否具备纽芬兰家庭关系类移民的申请条件。

纽芬兰家庭关系类移民申请人资格(Eligibility Criteria for the Relative)

1. 18 - 49 周岁
Be between 18.‐49 years old;

2. 有纽芬兰省近亲的担保书(可以多人共同担保)
Have a signed Affidavit of Support from one or more family members in Newfoundland and Labrador;

3. 担保人愿意为你提供定居援助
Have a family member (Sponsor) willing to provide settlement assistance;

4. 至少一年的高中后(post-secondary)教育、培训或学徒制培训,并且获得相应的文凭、毕业证或学位
Have completed post‐secondary education, training, or apprenticeship of at least one year in length that has resulted in a diploma, a certificate or a degree;

5. 一年以上工作经验
Have at least one year of work experience;

6. 能够满足工作需要的英语能力
Have adequate English language ability either to do the job you have been offered by a Newfoundland and Labrador employer, or to get a job in your field of education or training;

7. 提供英语能力证明:包括雇主对你的英语能力担保书,英语相关教育培训证书,英语考试成绩单(IELTS,TOEFL),或者到纽芬兰后参加 ESL 学校的证明
(a) an Affidavit of English Language Ability from a Newfoundland and Labrador employer who has offered you a permanent job
(b) education/training documents
(c) language testing results OR
(d) you may be required to attend ESL (English as a Second Language) courses prior to or following your arrival to Newfoundland and Labrador and provide documentation that confirms you have reached a required language level.

8. 有 NL 省雇主的长期工作 Offer 或者打算在 NL 省找工作
Have a full‐time, permanent job offer from a Newfoundland and Labrador Employer; OR intend to find full‐time work in Newfoundland and Labrador.

9. 资金证明,主申请 $10,000 加币,每增加一随行者增加 $2,000 加币(条件很宽松,FLYabroad 注)
Have enough money to live in the province for a short time without work after arrival ($10,000 for you and $2,000 for each accompanying family member). The funds can be from you, your spouse, your Sponsor, or a combination of these

10. 打算在纽芬兰省长期定居
Have the intention to reside permanently in Newfoundland and Labrador.


• 难民(Failed refugee claimants or refugee claimants living in Newfoundland and Labrador)
• 需要由联邦团聚移民申请的亲属(Spouses, common‐law partners, parents, parents‐in‐law, grandparents and dependent children)
• 符合留学生移民类别的持有工作签证的留学生(Individuals working in Newfoundland and Labrador under a post‐graduate work permit)
• 符合省提名技术移民的具有工作签证的海外工人(Temporary foreign workers on work permits.)

如果有如下情况也无法申请纽芬兰家庭关系类移民(NLPNP Family Connections Category)

• 申请成员中有重大疾病(You or any dependent family member (accompanying you or not) has a serious medical condition)
• 申请成员中 18 岁后有严重犯罪记录(You or any dependent family member (accompanying you or not) over the age of 18 has a record of serious criminal offenses)
• 主申请有未解决的子女抚养及监护问题(You have unresolved custody or child support disputes affecting any member of your family)
• 在申请中有意提供虚假信息(You have intentionally misrepresented yourself in the application)

. 配偶(Spouse )
. 普通法伙伴(Common‐law partner)
. 非独立子女(Dependent children)

FLYabroad 提供专业优质的 加拿大省提名家庭类移民个人代理自助服务 ;有问题可以到 FLYabroad 自助移民论坛 - 加拿大省提名 版块讨论。


加拿大联邦家庭团聚移民(家庭担保类移民 Family Class)

2006 - 2008 年加拿大移民配额
2004 - 2007 年加拿大移民审批情况
2004 - 2006 年加拿大新移民十大来源国家

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