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申请曼省投资移民提名前必须进行至少七天的商务投资考察(exploratory visit),也叫投资考察,简称商考;商务考察的目的是帮助申请者调研商务机会及生活方式。曼省政府建议您做尽可能多和详细的调研。

1. 确定先期投资的资金数目(start-up costs);租赁或购买办公场所(厂房地址)的成本;购买设备工具的成本;雇佣员工的成本;存在和潜在的竞争;目标客户,供应商等与开办公司相关的方面;
2. 子女入学;住房;还有日常开销等生活支出;

1.  商务考察申请表;
2. 简历,包含全名,联系方式,教育,培训,工作,企业商务,创办企业的历史,管理经验,近10年担任的角色,职责及对于的起止时间(A detailed Resumé listing your full name, complete address, telephone numbers, fax number, and email address.
Your resumé should detail your education, training, business, and employment history. Please ensure you provide details on all business(es) you have started as well as on your managerial experience, the various roles and responsibilities you assumed, and the dates you held those positions, for the last 10 years;)。
3. 申请者及其配偶的个人净资产报告(换算成加币形式),参考 曼省提名投资移民简历模板。
4. 所有资产声明的证实文档(Supporting documents),包括过去12个月的银行账户交易记录,定期存款证明,财产所有权文件,营业执照,商业所有权及股份证明文件,结婚证明等;
5. 过去3年企业的财务报表(Financial statements);

根据需要,FLYabroad 会要求申请者提供其他支撑材料,以保证快速顺利的通过商考邀请。递交申请后,如果符合去曼省投资的条件,曼省提名办公室将给申请者发放邀请函,这时FLYabroad就可以帮助申请者申请商务考察签证,预约考察时间准备赴曼省考察。

• 听一次有关曼尼托巴省的情况介绍,在温尼伯市参观4小时
• 对该省商业环境作一次深入调查,以帮助您准备生意计划。该生意计划将与您的商业移民申请材料一起递交
• 和商业移民官员进行一次面谈(约一小时左右),相当于面试,并且需要支付 $50 加币的费用
• 对曼尼托巴的生活和商贸机遇进行考察评估
• 您在曼省逗留期间,应对以下费用作出估算,这一点非常重要:
• 在面谈时移民官可能会就这些方面进行讨论

商务考察(Exploratory Visit,也叫投资考察)

Exploratory Visit – a visit that gives the prospective business applicant an opportunity to acquire first-hand knowledge about living and doing business in Manitoba. The visit may include market analysis/research, in-person meetings with industries and government departments or agencies, industry tours, and other important considerations in establishing or buying an existing business. (You may need a visitor visa to travel to Canada/Manitoba for an exploratory visit). Refer to the “Guide to Applying for an Exploratory Visit”. During your visit you must attend an interview with the Manitoba Business Immigration and Investment Branch. There will be a CDN$50.00 cost recovery fee charged at the time of the interview.



2006 - 2008 年加拿大移民配额
2004 - 2007 年加拿大移民审批情况
2004 - 2006 年加拿大新移民十大来源国家

FLYabroad 免费评估
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