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I Describe your business

1. Production or service-delivery efficiencies
2. Personnel
3. Geographic location
4. Facilities
5. Own or Rent:
Size (square feet/m2)
Physical state of the property (i.e. modern, requires upgrades) Significant equipment

II Market Analysis

1. Industry Description and Outlook
1.1 Description of your primary industry
1.2 Size of the industry: Historical, Current, Projected growth, Five and ten year outlook
1.3 Industry characteristics and trends: Historical, Current, Future
1.4 Major customer groups
2. Target Markets
2.1 Size of the primary target market
2.2 Market penetration (indicate the extent to which you anticipate penetrating your market, and demonstrate why you feel that level of penetration is achievable based on your market research)
2.2.1 Market share
2.2.2 Existing customers
2.2.3 Potential customers
2.3 Pricing and gross margin targets
2.4 Methods by which specific members of your target market can be identified
2.5 Media through which you can communicate with specific members of your target market
2.6 Purchasing cycle of potential customers
2.7 Key trends and anticipated changes within your primary target markets
2.8 Secondary target markets and key attributes.
2.9 Market Test Results
2.10 Lead Times (time between customer order placement and product or service delivery)
2.11 Competition
2.11.1 Identification (by market segment and product line or service):
2.11.2 Their strengths (competitive advantages):
2.11.3 Their weaknesses (competitive disadvantages):
2.12 Importance of your target market to your competition
2.13 Barriers to entry into your market
2.14 Regulatory Restrictions: Customer or governmental regulatory requirements (domestic and international) including anticipated changes
2.15 Marketing and Sales Activities (describe the marketing and sales activities that will enable you to meet the forecasts outlined in your pro-forma financial statements)
2.16 Products and Services (outline the unique ability of your company’s products or services to satisfy the needs of the marketplace)

III Management and Ownership

1. Company Structure
1.1 Organizational chart
1.2 Narrative description of the chart
1.3 Key Management and Operating Personnel (present full resumes in an appendix)
1.3.1 Unique skills and experience that add to your company’s distinctive competencies
1.3.2 Planned Additions to the Current Management Team
1.4 Legal Structure
1.4.1 Owners/Names/Percentage of Ownership/Form of Ownership/
Outstanding Equity Equivalents/Options/Warrants/Convertible Debt/Board of Directors (Names, Positions, Extend of Involvement with the Company)

IV Long-Range Financial Strategies (i.e., liquidating investors’ positions)

1.1 Going public
1.2 Leveraged buyout
1.3 Acquisition by another company
1.4 Debt service levels and timing
1.5 Liquidation of the venture

V Funds Required and Their Use

1.1 Current Funding Requirements
1.2 Funding Requirements Over the Next Five Years
1.3 Use of Funds

VI Financial Data

1.1 Historical Financial Data (past three to five years, if applicable)
1.2 Use of external accounting firms
1.3 Prospective Financial Data (next five years)

VII Appendices and Exhibits

1.1 Resumes of Key Managers
1.2 Professional References
1.3 Market Studies
1.4 Pertinent Published Information (i.e., on your products or services)
1.5 Magazine articles
1.6 Book references
1.7 Patents



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