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EE 后,技术移民学历加分还是需要先做 ECA(加拿大学历和已经在加拿大工作一年以上的可以豁免),EE 新政下,加拿大区分单身和已婚的分数,对于学历来说,主申,副申都有学历加分。因此大部分情况都需要ECA认证(ECA 有效期5年)。
加拿大2015年 Express Entry 新政学历加分与以前的标准没有太多改变(FLY注:只是分值不同了,大概的权重和比例类似),相比之下,澳洲学历是本硕一档,博士是一档,专科很难申请。对新西兰,硕博是一档,本科是一档,专科是一档,专科同样需要新西兰雇主offer才能申请,飞出国2015年也会开展新西兰技术移民。
飞出国又发现,加拿大2015年 Express Entry 并没有对加拿大学历高看一眼,这与澳洲和新西兰是不一样的,虽然澳新对留学生转移民不再那么友好但出于留学市场考虑同时考虑到有本地学历适应能力更强因此有额外加分。但是,加拿大人为什么去掉本国学历的优越性呢(以前加拿大技术移民的评分里都将加拿大学历作为适应能力可以额外加分的)。
FLY 认为,因为 EE 不仅面向 FSWP 同时 面向 CEC,也就是留学生转移民的(毕业后给3年工签只要在技术行业能工作一年,雅思达到CLB 7就可以),因此如果你是加拿大学历,你最好申请CEC,如果连CEC都申请不了那大概有学历也没什么用。如果你不幸已经离开加拿大多年,不再符合CEC申请条件,那么也一视同仁,你要是原先在加拿大工作过,一样有额外加分,因此被邀请问题不大,如果你没在加拿大工作过,那么你比美国,比澳洲,比英国的学生未必强,所以飞出国认为这样也很合理。
FLYabroad 注: 专科学历如果英语好的话申请加拿大更有优势,如果以后加拿大也增加职业评估,那么专科就很不占优势了。英语还是王道。
加拿大2015年 Express Entry 新政下引入了类似新西兰奖励加分的概念(Skill transferability factors,FLYabroad),如果英语好或有加拿大工作经验可以获得额外学历加分。
学历加分具体标准 - 飞出国
(i) 0分,初中以下 0 points, if the foreign national has less than a secondary school credential,
(ii) 30分,初高中 30 points, if the foreign national has a secondary school credential,
(iii) 90分,一年高等教育 90 points, if the foreign national has a one-year post-secondary program credential,
(iv) 98分,二年高等教育 98 points, if the foreign national has a two-year post-secondary program credential,
(v) 120分,三年及以上高等教育 120 points, if the foreign national has a post-secondary program credential of three years or more,
(vi) 128分,两个以上高等教育且其中一个为3年制及以上 128 points, if the foreign national has two or more post-secondary program credentials and at least one of them was issued at the completion of a post-secondary program of three years or more,
(vii) 135分,硕士 135 points, if the foreign national has a university-level credential at the master’s level or at the level of an entry-to-practice professional degree for an occupation listed in the National Occupational Classification matrix at Skill level A for which licensing by a provincial regulatory body is required, and
(viii) 150分,博士150 points, if the foreign national has a university-level credential at the doctoral level;
(i) 0分,初中以下 0 points, if the foreign national has less than a secondary school credential,
(ii) 28分,初高中 28 points, if the foreign national has a secondary school credential,
(iii)84分,一年高等教育 84 points, if the foreign national has a one-year post-secondary program credential,
(iv) 91分,二年高等教育 91 points, if the foreign national has a two-year post-secondary program credential,
(v) 112分,三年及以上高等教育 112 points, if the foreign national has a post-secondary program credential of three years or more,
(vi) 119分,两个以上高等教育且其中一个为3年制及以上 119 points, if the foreign national has two or more post-secondary program credentials and at least one of them was issued at the completion of a post-secondary program of three years or more,
(vii) 126分,硕士 126 points, if the foreign national has a university-level credential at the master’s level or an entry-to-practice professional degree for an occupation listed in the National Occupational Classification matrix at Skill level A for which licensing by a provincial regulatory body is require , and
(viii) 140分,博士 140 points, if the foreign national has a university-level credential at the doctoral level.