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航空电子 Avionics - 魁北克技术移民优先处理专业


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魁北克优先处理受训领域之 航空电子 Avionics - FLYabroad


在魁省教育体系里,该科目要求完成3年的技能培训,总教育年限不得低于14年。In the Québec education system, completion of this program requires 3 years of technical training, representing a total of 14 years of study.

该专业具有很好就业前景的职业是:航空仪表或航空电子技师,技工,检查员 2244
This training leads to occupations with good prospects for employment integration in Québec. These occupations fall under the following occupational group:Aircraft instrument, electrical and avionics mechanic, technician and inspector (NOC 2244)

2244 航空仪表或航空电子技师,技工,检查员 主要职责:

Mechanics, technicians and inspectors who install, adjust, repair and overhaul aircraft instrument, electrical or avionics systems on aircrafts.

In Québec, these occupations are not regulated. However, an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer’s (AME) licence (Avionics – E licence) issued by Transport Canada is required of avionics mechanics, technicians and inspectors who sign maintenance releases and attest to the airworthiness of aircrafts.


2009-2013 年间该职业全魁省境内都非常紧缺


08年大概有4000人从事该职业, 其中92%为男性
Approximately 4,000 persons practised an occupation related to this occupational group in Québec in 2008, 92% of whom were men

08 年航空电子专业就业率为 97%
97% of persons practising an occupation related to this occupational group were employed full time in 2008

05年航空电子专业平均年收入为 5.9 万加币
The average gross annual income was $59,000 for full-time employment in 2005.


交通工具 Transportation equipment 53%
运输仓储 Transpotation and warehousing 23%
公共管理 Public administration 11%
机械业 Machinery 49%
电脑,电子,电力产品 Computer,electronics and electrical products 2%
其他 7%

航空电子专业雇主情况 Employers:

魁北克交通设备方面公司(transpotation equipment sector)大约有439家,其中蒙泰雷吉地区(Montérégie region) 100 家,蒙特利尔地区(Montreal region)69 家,还有 30-40 家分布在首都区(Capitale-Nationale), 肖迪耶-阿帕拉什(Chaudière-Appalaches), 中央魁北克市(Centre-du-Québec) 及 洛朗第(Laurentides) 地区。


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魁北克技术移民的更多常见问题参考:FLYabroad 魁省技术移民申请 FAQ 。

FLYabroad 签证工作室提供专业优质的魁北克技术移民自助服务,参考:FLYabroad 魁北克技术移民个人代理自助服务及服务费用


评分标准:魁北克技术移民评分标准表格,2009-10-14 最新评分标准

自助移民:FLYabroad 魁北克技术移民个人代理自助服务及服务费用

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