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化学和生物化学 Chemistry and biochemistry - 魁北克技术移民优先处理专业


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魁北克优先处理受训领域之 化学和生物化学 Chemistry and biochemistry - FLYabroad

化学和生物化学科目特点(Training Program)

在魁省教育体系里,该科目要求完成3年的大学课程与培训,总教育年限不得低于16年(In the Quebec education system, completion of this program requires 3 years of undergradute university training, representing a total of 16 years of study)。

该专业具有很好就业前景的职业是 化学家 2112 。

2112 化学家 主要职责:

Chemists conduct research and analysis in support of industrial operations, product and process development, quality control, environmental control, medical diagnosis and treatment, biotechnology and other applications. They also conduct theoretical, experimental and applied research into basic chemical and biochemical processes to create or synthesize new products and processes.

在魁省, 该职业是受规范的,以化学家或生化学家的身份去工作必须得是化学家协会的会员身份。
In Québec, this occupation is regulated. Membership in the Ordre des chimistes du Québec is compulsory to practise this occupation and use the title of clinical chemist or biochemist. For more information on the conditions for practising this occupation.


2009-2013年间该职业全魁省境内都非常紧缺 Employment prospects for the 2009-2013 period are very favourable throughtout Quebec.

一些劳动力市场数据(Some figures)

08年大概有6000人从事该职业, 其中56%为男性
Approximately 6,000 persons practised the occupation of chemist or a related occupation in Québec in 2008, 56% of whom were men 

08 年化学和生物相关职业的就业率为 95%
95% of chemists and persons practising a related occupation were employed full time in 2008

05 年化学和生物相关职业的平均全职年收入为 6.3 万加币
The average gross annual income was $63,000 for full-time employment in 2005.

化学和生物专业就业领域(Main activity sectors in terms of employment)

专业,科学,技术服务 Professional,scientific and technical services 35%
石油,煤,化学产品 Petroleum,coal and chemical products 21%
医疗保健和社会援助 Health care and social assistance 10%
公共服务 Public administration 8%
教育服务 Educational Services 6%
其他 Other 20%


在魁省石油,煤,化学产品方面的公司大约有644家,蒙泰雷吉地区(Montérégie region) 174 家,蒙特利尔地区(Montreal region)154 家,中央魁北克市(Centre-du-Québec)46 家。


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申请人必须拥有足够的金钱来维持 自己和随行家人在定居期最初三个月的生活开支 。要希望在移民魁北克后很好的生活,移民申请者最好具有一定的法语水平。

魁北克技术移民的更多常见问题参考:FLYabroad 魁省技术移民申请 FAQ 。

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评分标准:魁北克技术移民评分标准表格,2009-10-14 最新评分标准

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