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5135 演员和喜剧演员 Actors and comedians - FLYabroad NOC


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## 5135 演员和喜剧演员 Actors and comedians - FLYabroad NOC- LEVEL A


Actors and comedians perform roles in motion picture, television, theatre and radio productions to entertain a variety of audiences. They are employed by motion picture, television, theatre and other production companies. This unit group includes acting teachers employed by private acting schools.

## 5135 演员和喜剧演员头衔范例 Example Titles - FLYabroad NOC

* 表演老师 - 私人或工作室 acting teacher – private or studio
* 演员/女演员 actor/actress
* 喜剧演员 comedian
* 戏剧老师 - 私人或工作室 drama teacher – private or studio
* 解说员 narrator

## 5135 演员和喜剧演员主要职责 Main duties - FLYabroad NOC

### 演员和喜剧演员执行部分或全部下列职责:Actors and comedians perform some or all of the following duties:

* 研究和排练台词,手势和表情来诠释一个角色
Study and rehearse lines, gestures and expressions to interpret a role

* 在视频或电影制作,电视节目,戏剧制作,广播剧,广告和其他制作中扮演角色或表演旁白
Portray roles in video or motion picture productions, television shows, theatre productions, radio dramas, commercials and other productions or perform the narration

* 按照特定角色的要求唱歌或跳舞
Sing or dance as required by specific roles

* 在夜总会单独或作为喜剧剧团的成员,表演喜剧
Perform comedy acts in nightclubs alone or as members of comedy troupes

* 即兴发挥某一角色。
Improvise a role.

### 表演教师执行部分或全部下列职责:Acting teachers perform some or all of the following duties:

* 训练学生诠释脚本,言语,运动,戏剧理论
Train students in interpretation of scripts, speech, movement, and dramatic theory

* 帮助演出的学生为具体的试镜和表演做好准备。
Prepare acting students for specific auditions and performances.

## 5135 演员和喜剧演员任职要求 Employment requirements - FLYabroad NOC

* 试镜或以前角色扮演中展现出来的能力是重要的聘用标准。
Demonstrated ability, based on an audition or previous acting roles, is an important hiring criteria.

* 大学,学院和私人表演学校提供的表演课程。
Acting programs are offered at universities, colleges and private acting schools.

* 表演教师通常都要求是有经验的演员。
Acting teachers usually require experience as actors.

* 可能要求是公会或工会会员。
Membership in a guild or union may be required.

## 5135 演员和喜剧演员其他分类 Classified elsewhere - FLYabroad NOC

* 播音员和其他广播公司 Announcers and other broadcasters [5231](5231)
* 舞者 Dancers [5134](5134)
* 戏剧教授(大学的教授和讲师) Drama professors (in [4011](4011) University professors and lecturers )
* 音乐家和歌手 Musicians and singers [5133](5133)
* 其他演员,n.e.c. Other performers, n.e.c. [5232](5232)

## 5135 演员和喜剧演员职称头衔 All titles - FLYabroad NOC

* 表演老师 - 私人或工作室 acting teacher – private or studio
* 演员/女演员 actor/actress
* 喜剧演员 comedian
* 滑稽 comic
* 文辞教练 diction coach
* 话剧演员 drama actor
* 戏剧教练 drama coach
* 戏剧老师 - 私人或工作室 drama teacher – private or studio
* 戏剧艺术老师 - 私人或工作室 dramatic arts teacher – private or studio
* 戏剧性的读者 dramatic reader
* 额外的,表演艺术 extra, performing arts
* 电影配音 film dubber
* 幽默大师 - 表演艺术 humorist – performing arts
* 即兴 improviser
* 哑剧 mime
* 电影演员 movie actor
* 解说员 narrator
* 读者 - 表演艺术 reader – performing arts
* 标准化病人 standardized patient
* 站立的喜剧演员 stand-up comedian
* 讲故事的人 story teller
* 直男 straight man
* 语音教练 voice coach
* 配音演员 voice-over actor

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