FLYabroad 免费评估

魁北克技术移民大专院校学历从事领域的职业列表及加分 - COLLEGE-LEVEL TECHNICAL TRAINING


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公共管理 Public Administration (Bach. - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
农业 Agriculture (Bach. - 4 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
英语,母语 English, General and Mother Tongue (Bach. - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
社会与社区领导 Social or Community Leadership (Bach. - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
人类学 Anthropology (Bach. - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
建筑业 Architecture (Bach. - 4 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
造园业 Landscape Architecture (Bach. - 4 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
戏剧 Drama (Bach. - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
造型艺术(水彩,绘画,雕塑) Plastic Arts (Painting, Drawing, Sculpture)(Bach. - 3years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
图书馆科学及技术管理(硕士)Library Science and Records Management (Master’sdegree) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
生物物理学 Biophysics (Bach. - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
脊柱推拿疗法(博士-5年) Chiropractic (Doctorate - 5 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
电影术 Cinematography (Bach. - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
通信及新闻业 Communications and Journalism (Bach. - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
犯罪学 Criminology (Bach. - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
人口统计学(硕士)Demography (Master’s degree) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
教学法(艺术教育) Didactics (The Art of Teaching)(Master’s degree) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
法律 Law (Bach. - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
经济学 Economics (Bach. - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
成人及继续教育(硕士) Adult Education and Continuing Education (Master’s degree ) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
环境(环境质量及污染) Environment (Environmental Quality and Pollution)(Bach. - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
职业疗法(硕士)Occupational Therapy (Master’s degree) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
大专阶段教师培训(硕士)College Level Teacher Training (Master’s degree) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
学前教育及初级教育 Teaching at the Preschool and Elementary Levels(Bach. - 4 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
中级教育 Teaching at the Secondary Level (Bach. - 4 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
职业(中级)教育及技术教育 Teaching in Vocational (Secondary)and Technical(College)Education (Bach. - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
法语,母语 French, General and Mother Tongue (Bach. - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
农业及农村工程 Agricultural and Rural Engineering (Bach. - 4 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
制浆及造纸业 Pulp and Paper Engineering (Bach. - 4 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
电子,电子通信工Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering(Bach. - 4 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
森林工业,森林及木材学 Forest Engineering, Forestry and Wood Science(silviculture) (Bach. - 4 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
地址工程学 Geological Engineering (Bach. - 4 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
工业及管理工程 Industrial and Administrative Engineering (Bach. – 4 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
冶金及材料工程 Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (Bach. - 4years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
采矿工程 Mining Engineering (Bach. - 4 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
核工程 Nuclear Engineering (Bach. - 4 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
物理工程 Physical Engineering (Bach. - 4 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
地理 Geography (Bach. - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
地质学及矿物学 Geology or Mineralogy (Bach. - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
历史 History (Bach. - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
艺术史 Art History (Bach. - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
希腊人文及古典考古学 Greco-Latin Humanities and Classical Archeology(Bach. - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
现代语言文学(法语及英语除外) Modern Languages and Literatures other than French and English (Bach. - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
药学(博士-5年)Medicine (Doctorate - 5 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
牙医术(博士-5年)Dentistry (Doctorate - 5 years - (SEAI 0分-0分)
足病科(博士-5年)Podiatry (Doctorate - 5 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
兽医(博士-5年)Veterinary Medicine (Doctorate - 5 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
表达性运动,舞蹈,哑剧,或者韵律论 Expressive Movement, Dance, Mime, or Rhythmics(Bach. - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
音乐 Music (Bach. - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
验光(博士-5年)Optometry (Doctorate - 5 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
指导顾问及教育就业信息 Guidance Counselling and Educational and Vocational Information (Bach. - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
语言人类学及听力学(硕士)Speech Language Pathology and Audiology (Master’sdegree) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
围产医学 Perinatal Medicine (Bach. - 4 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
药理学及制药科学 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences (Bach. - 4years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
哲学 Philosophy (Bach. - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
物理疗法(硕士)Physiotherapy (Master’s degree) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
心理教育 Psychoeducation (Bach. - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
心理学 Psychology (Bach. - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
娱乐业 Recreology (Bach. - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
产业关系 Industrial Relations (Bach. - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
公共卫生与流行病学(硕士)Community Health and Epidemiology (Master’s degree) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
生物科学 Biological Sciences (Bach. - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
运动科学 Exercise Sciences (Bach. - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
家政学 Home Economics (Bach. - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
保险学基础及应用 Basic or Applied Health Sciences (Bach. - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
自然科学 Physical Science (Bach. - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
政治学 Political Science (Bach. - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
宗教研究 Religious Studies (Bach. - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
性科学 Sexology (Bach. - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
社会学 Sociology (Bach. - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
城市规划 Urban Planning (Bach. - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
普遍大学训练 General University Training - (SEAI 0分-0分)
不相关大学训练 Unrelated university training - (SEAI 0分-0分)


针灸 Acupuncture (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
医病案 Medical Records (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
马戏艺术 Circus Arts (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
水净化 Water Purification (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
助听设备 Hearing Aids (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
时装营销 Fashion Marketing (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
形意舞 Interpretive Dance (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
时装设计 Fashion Design (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
动画设计 Animated Design (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
环境职业健康与安全 Environmental Occupational Health and Safety (DCS -3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
成衣制作管理 Clothing Manufacturing Management (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
农场管理及业务营运 Farm Management and Operations (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
图形学 Graphics (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
打印前电脑制图 Pre-printing Computer Graphics (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
职业剧场表演 Professional Theatre (Acting)(DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
航海 Navigation (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
装饰园艺景观美化及市场营销 Ornamental Horticulture Landscaping and Marketing(DCS- 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
摄影 Photography (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
消防安全 Fire Safety (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
院前急救护理 Pre-Hospital Emergency Care (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
狩猎及渔业资源发展 Hunting and Fishing Resources Development Techniques (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
城市规划及景观美化 Urban Planning and Landscaping Techniques (DCS – 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
养殖技术 Aquaculture Techniques (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
媒体通讯技术 Media Communication Techniques (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
伦理学 Denturology Techniques (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
演讲稿设计技术 Presentation Design Techniques (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
室内装潢技术 Interior Design Techniques (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
工业设计技术 Industrial Design Techniques (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
营养学技术 Dietetic Techniques (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
航海机械工程技术 Marine Mechanical Engineering Techniques (DCS – 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
打印管理技术 Print Management Techniques (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
酒店管理技术 Hotel Management Techniques (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
文件管理技术 Documentation Techniques (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
印刷术 Printing Techniques (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
技术美术技术 Arts and Crafts Techniques (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
博物馆学技术 Museology Techniques (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
航空飞行技术 Aircraft Piloting Techniques (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
电视机生产及后期生产技术 Television Production and Postproduction Techniques (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
假牙技术 Dental Prosthesis Technology (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
社会研究技术 Social Research Techniques (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
死因学技术 Thanatology Techniques (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
旅游经营技术 Tourism Techniques (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
医疗电生理学技术 Medical Electrophysiology Techniques (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
口腔卫生技术 Dental Hygiene Techniques (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
社区文娱领导培训技术 Community Recreation Leadership Training Techniques(DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
视觉矫正技术 Visual Orthosis Techniques (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
环境技术 Environmental Techniques (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
马术 Equine Techniques (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
法律实务 Legal Techniques (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
警察实务 Police Techniques (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
专业音乐歌曲技术 Professional Music and Song Techniques (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
造船学 Naval Architecture Technology (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
园艺作品及环境技术 Horticultural Production and Environmental Technology(DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
纺织品生产技术 Textile Production Technology (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
森林产品加工技术 Forest Products Processing Technology (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
电子学技术 Electronics Technology (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
工业电子学技术 Industrial Electronics Technology (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
计算机科学及数码系统技术 Computer Science and Digital Systems Technology (DCS- 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
纺织品技术 Textile Technology (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
畜牧生产技术 Animal Production Technology (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
农业机械工程 Agromechanical Engineering Technology (DCS - 3years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
工业工程技术 Industrial Engineering Technology (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
冶金工程技术 Metallurgy Engineering Technology (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
森林技术 Forest Technology (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
物理学技术 Physics Technology (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
造纸技术 Paper Mill Technology (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
电影制作 Theatre Production (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
海产品加工 Seafood Processing (DCS - 3 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
普遍大专训练 General college training - (SEAI 0分-0分)
无关大专训练 Unrelated college training - (SEAI 0分-0分)


砍伐和集材 Manual Felling and Skidding (DVS - 900 hours / 1 year) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
锐化 Sharpening (DVS - 900 hours / 1 year) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
森林管理 Forest Management (DVS - 1,215 hours / 1.5 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
水产品 Aquaculture (DVS - 900 hours / 1 year) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
树木培植-修剪 Arboriculture-Pruning (DVS - 915 hours / 1 year) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
珠宝制作 Jewellery Making (DVS - 1,800 hours / 2 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
锅炉制作 Boilermaking (DVS - 1,290 hours / 1.5 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
伐木系统 Wood Cutting System (DVS - 930 hours / 1 year) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
美发 Hairdressing (DVS - 1,455 hours / 2 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
矿石及金属加工机器操作 Mineral and Metal Processing Machine Operations(DVS- 900 hours / 1 year) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
水净化 Water Treatment (DVS - 1,800 hours / 2 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
制衣业管理(裁缝) Clothing Manufacturing (Tailoring)(DVS - 1,455 hours / 2 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
成衣及皮革产品制作 Clothing and Leather Products Manufacturing (DVS -900 hours / 1 year) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
传统衣服制作及修改 Custom Clothing Manufacturing and Alterations (DVS -1,470 hours / 2 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
鞋生产及修理 Shoe Making and Repair (DVS - 900 hours / 1 year) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
室内装潢及装饰 Interior Decorating and Display (DVS - 1,800 hours / 2 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
玻璃制品切割及处理 Glassware Cutting and Treatment (DVS - 960 hours / 1year) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
设计模式 Pattern Design (DVS - 1,725 hours / 2 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
发电 Electricity (DVS - 1,800 hours / 2 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
机械自动化 Automated Systems Electromechanics (DVS - 1,800hours / 2 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
RV 保养与修理 RV Maintenance and Repair (DVS - 975 hours / 1 year) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
建筑维修技术 General Building Maintenance (DVS - 900 hours / 1year) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
美学 Aesthetics (DVS - 1,350 hours / 1.5 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
家具批量生产/木材磨碎 Furniture Mass Production/Wood Milling (DVS - 1,050hours / 1.5 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
家具安装 Furniture Finishing (DVS - 900 hours / 1 year) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
植物服务 Floral Services (DVS - 1,035 hours / 1.5 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
熔炼 Smelting (DVS - 1,230 hours / 1.5 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
钻孔及爆破 Drilling and Dynamiting (DVS - 900 hours / 1 year) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
农作物 Field Crops (DVS - 1,095 hours / 1.5 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
手表与珠宝维修 Watch and Jewellery Repair (DVS - 1,800 hours /2 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
园艺装饰 Ornamental Horticulture (DVS - 1,350 hours / 1.5 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
印刷 Printing (DVS - 1,350 hours / 1.5 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
防火安全技术 Fire Safety Techniques (DVS - 1,185 hours / 1.5 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
电梯技术 Elevator Mechanics (DVS - 1,800 hours / 2 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
工业缝纫机技术 Industrial Sewing Machine Mechanics (DVS - 1,350hours / 1.5 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
轻型汽车机械 Light-Duty Vehicle Mechanics (DVS - 1,800 hours / 2years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
航海机械 Marine Mechanics (DVS - 1,350 hours / 1.5 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
电子传输线安装 Installation of Electrical Transmission Lines (DVS - 900hours / 1 year) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
构造及建筑组装 Structural and Architectural Assembly (DVS - 1,230hours / 1.5 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
造纸业-操作 Pulp and Paper - Operations (DVS - 1,170 hours / 1.5 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
专业捕鱼 Professional Fishing (DVS - 1,605 hours / 2 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
摄影术 Photography (DVS - 1,800 hours / 2 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
渔产品制剂 Preparation of Fishery Products (DVS - 900 hours / 1year) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
图示设计 Graphic Design (DVS - 1,800 hours / 2 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
槭树汁生产 Maple Syrup Production (DVS - 1,005 hours / 1.5 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
牛肉生产 Beef Production (DVS - 1,245 hours / 1.5 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
园艺作品 Horticultural Production (DVS - 1,470 hours / 2 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
奶产品生产 Dairy Production (DVS - 1,245 hours / 1.5 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
猪肉生产 Hog Production (DVS - 1,170 hours / 1.5 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
野生生物栖息地保护及发展 Protection and Development of Wildlife Habitats(DVS -1,320 hours / 1.5 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
景观制作技术 Landscaping Operations (DVS - 930 hours / 1 year ) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
飞行派遣 Flight Dispatch (DVS - 900 hours / 1 year) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
工业室内装潢 Industrial Upholstering (DVS - 900 hours / 1 year) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
家电应用维 Home Electrical Appliance Repair (DVS - 1,350 hours /1.5 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
电子声频/视频设备维修 Electronic Audio/Video Equipment Repair(DVS - 1,800hours / 2 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
轻武器维修 Firearms Repair (DVS - 1,350 hours / 1.5 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
锯木法 Sawing (DVS - 900 hours / 1 year) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
秘书学 Secretarial Studies (DVS - 1,485 hours / 2 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
锁匠业 Locksmithing (DVS - 1,290 hours / 1.5 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
商业设备技术服务 Business Equipment Technical Service (DVS - 1,800hours / 2 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
机械化设备顾客咨询 Motorized Equipment Customer Consultation (DVS -930 hours / 1 year) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
霓虹玻璃 Neon Glassblowing (DVS - 1,140 hours / 1.5 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
石匠 Stonecutting (DVS - 1,440 hours / 1.5 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
造林学 Silviculture (DVS - 900 hours / 1 year) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
机械配件销售 Sale of Mechanical Parts and Accessories (DVS - 1,095hours / 1.5 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
五金店销售 Hardware Store Sales (DVS - 1,215 hours / 1.5 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
旅游销售 Travel Sales (DVS - 1,245 hours / 1.5 years) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
专业销售 Professional Sales (DVS - 900 hours / 1 year) - (SEAI 0分-0分)
普遍中级培训 General secondary training - (SEAI 0分-0分)
不相关中级培训 Unrelated secondary training - (SEAI 0分-0分)

FLYabroad 签证工作室提供专业优质魁北克技术移民自助服务,参考:FLYabroad 魁北克技术移民个人代理自助服务及服务费用

相关参考: 魁北克技术移民外国学历受训领域加分表(2009-10-14)
相关参考: 魁北克技术移民魁北克学历受训领域加分表(2009-10-14)


FLYabroad 免费评估
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