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保险统计科学 Actuarial Science (Bach. - 3 years)
商业行政 Business Administration (Bach. - 3 years)
会计及会计学 Accounting and Accounting Science (Bach. - 3 years)
饮食学及营养学 Dietetics and Nutrition (Bach. - 3.5-years)
特殊教育培训老师(矫正教育) Training of Special Education Teachers (remedial education)(Bach. 4 -years)
食品工程师 Food Engineering (Bach. - 4 years)
生物学的及生物医学工程师 Biological and Biomedical Engineering (Bach. - 4 years)
化学工程师 Chemical Engineering (Bach. - 4 years)
土木工程,建设及交通工程师 Civil, Construction and Transportation Engineering (Bach. - 4 years)
计算机工程师 Computer Engineering (Bach. - 4 years)
机械工程学 Mechanical Engineering (Bach. - 4 years)
采矿工程学 Mining Engineering (Bach. - 4 years)
测地学(土地测量) Geodesy (surveying)(Bach. - 4 years)
人力资源管理 Human Resources Management (Bach. - 3 years)
工商管理 Business Management and Administration (Bach. - 3 years)
数学 Mathematics (Bach. - 3 years)
兽医学(博士-5年)Veterinary medicine (Doctorate - 5 years)
微生物学 Microbiology (Bach. - 3 years)
产期药学 Perinatal Medicine (Bach. - 4 years)
概率及统计 Probability and Statistics (Bach. - 3 years)
计算机科学 Computer Science (Bach. - 3 years)
食品科学及技术 Food Sciences and Technology (Bach. - 4 years)
社会工作 Social Work (Bach. - 3 years)
采矿及挖掘类 Mining and Excavating (DCS - 3 years)
应用地质学 Applied Geology (DCS - 3 years)
酒店管理 Restaurant Management (DCS - 3 years)
矿物加工 Mineral Processing (DCS - 3 years)
3D卡通及图像合成 3D Animation and Image Synthesis Techniques (DCS - 3 years)
办公室系统技术 Office System Techniques (DCS - 3 years)
会计管理技术 Accounting and Management Techniques (DCS - 3 years)
机械工程技术 Mechanical Engineering Techniques (DCS - 3 years)
运输后勤技术 Transportation Logistics Techniques (DCS - 3 years)
计算机科学技术 Computer Science Techniques (DCS - 3 years)
飞机维修技术 Aircraft Maintenance Techniques (DCS - 3 years)
口腔修复技术 Dental Prosthesis Techniques (DCS - 3 years)
身体康复技术 Physical Rehabilitation Techniques (DCS - 3 years)
动物健康技术 Animal Health Techniques (DCS - 3 years)
社会服务技术 Social Work Techniques (DCS - 3 years)
幼儿教育技术 Early Childhood Education Techniques (DCS - 3 years)
特殊护理顾问 Special Care Counselling Techniques (DCS - 3 years)
多媒体集成技术 Multimedia Integration Techniques (DCS - 3 years)
青年成年人干预技术 Youth and Adult Correctional Intervention Techniques (DCS - 3 years)
整形及矫正假肢技术 Orthotic and Orthopedic Prosthesis Techniques (DCS - 3 years)
视力矫正 Visual Orthosis Techniques (DCS - 3 years)
家具及家具制造技术 Furniture and Cabinetmaking Techniques (DCS - 3 years)
测绘技术 Geomatics Technology (DCS - 3 years)
建筑系统技术 Building Systems Technology (DCS - 3 years)
建筑技术 Architectural Technology (DCS - 3 years)
建筑评估技术 Building Appraisal and Assessment Technology (DCS - 3 years)
失业者救济制度 Industrial Maintenance Technology (DCS - 3 years)
测绘技术 Surveying and Topography (DVS - 1,800 hours / 2 years)
住家护理 Home Care (DVS - 975 hours / 1 year)
汽车车身维修及重修 Automotive Body Repair and Repainting (DVS - 1590 hours / 2 years)
木匠及木工 Carpentry and Woodworking (DVS - 1,350 hours / 1.5 years)
会计 Accounting (DVS - 1,350 hours / 1.5 years)
施工机械操作工 Construction Machine Operation (DVS - 1095 hours / 1.5 years)
造型机组装操作 Moulding Machine Set-up and Operation (DVS - 1,350 hours / 1.5 years)
专业烹饪(厨师) Professional Cooking (DVS - 1,350 hours / 1.5 years)
估算员 Residential and Commercial Drafting (DVS - 1,800 hours / 2 years)
产业起草 Industrial Drafting (DVS - 1,800 hours / 2 years)
家具制造 Cabinetmaking (DVS - 1,650 hours / 2 years)
矿石提取 Ore Extraction (DVS - 930 hours / 1 year)
安全系统的安装及维护 Installation and Maintenance of Security Systems (DVS - 1,485 hours / 2 years)
电信设备的安装及维修 Installation and Repair of Telecommunications Equipment (DVS - 1,800 hours / 2 years)
农业机械学 Agricultural Mechanics (DVS - 1,800 hours / 2 years)
定制机机械学 Stationary Machine Mechanics (DVS - 1,800 hours / 2 years)
防火机械 Fire Protection Mechanics (DVS - 900 hours / 1 year)
公路设备重机械 Heavy Road Equipment
机械学 Mechanics (DVS - 1,800 hours / 2 years)
建造机器机械 Construction Machine Mechanics (DVS - 1,800 hours / 2 years)
工业建造及维护 Industrial Construction and Maintenance Mechanics (DVS - 1,800 hours / 2 years)
制模成型 Moulding (DVS - 1,500 hours / 2 years)
玻璃产品装配 Glass Products Assembly and Installation (DVS - 1,350 hours / 1.5 years )
产品设备操作 Production Equipment Operation (DVS - 900 hours / 1 year)
糕点制作 Pastry Making (DVS - 1,350 hours / 1.5 years)
商业及住宅绘画 Commercial and Residential Painting (DVS - 900 hours / 1 year)
柔性路面安装 Flexible Pavement Installation (DVS - 900 hours / 1 year)
水泥准备及完成 Concrete Preparation and Finishing (DVS - 900 hours / 1 year)
制冷 Refrigeration (DVS - 1,800 hours / 2 years)
飞行调度 Flight Dispatch (DVS - 900 hours / 1 year)
室内装潢 Decorative Upholstering (DVS - 1,350 hours - 1.5 years)
健康援助护理 Health, Assistance, and Nursing (DVS - 1,800 hours / 2 years)
食品饮料服务 Food and Beverage Services (DVS - 960 hours / 1 year)
计算机支持 Computer Support (DVS - 1,800 hours / 2 years)
渔业销售 Sale of Fishery Products (DVS - 900 hours / 1 year)
魁北克技术移民 2009-10-14 最新评分标准。
亲属加分:魁北克技术移民亲属加分,3 分。
教育加分:魁北克技术移民受训领域、教育学历评分标准,最高 28 分。
语言能力加分:魁北克技术移民语言能力加分,最高 22 分。
工作经验加分:魁北克技术移民工作经验加分,最高 8 分。
配偶加分:魁北克技术移民配偶加分,最高 16 分。
魁省居留:魁北克居留情况加分:最高 5 分。
资金能力:魁北克技术移民财政自足能力:最低 1 分。
加拿大技术移民评分标准,适用于2015年 Express Entry 流程。