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Teaches academic and living skills to hearing impaired students, and promotes students‘ social, emotional, intellectual and physical development. Registration or licensing is required.
Previously referred to in ASCO as: 2414-13 Teacher - Teacher of the Hearing Impaired
听障教师的技能等级为1 (ANZSCO Skill Level 1)。
SOL - 澳洲技术移民职业列表 Skilled Occupation List - FLYabroad
LSO - 新西兰技术移民职业列表 LIST OF SKILLED OCCUPATIONS - FLYabroad - Part A
AITSL - 澳大利亚教育协会 Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership :A类雅思4个7,1年之内获得;教育专业学士。
近期担保过 241512 听障教师 Teacher of the Hearing Impaired 职业的州包括:
* 新南威尔士 New South Wales
Registration or licensing is required.
* Victoria
* Queensland
* South Australia
* West Australia
* Tasmania
* Northern Territory
241511 特殊需求教师 Special Needs Teacher
241513 视障教师 Teacher of the Sight Impaired
241599 特殊教育教师NEC Special Education Teachers nec
评分标准: 澳大利亚技术移民评分标准 。