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ANZSCO 251211 医疗放射诊断技师 Medical Diagnostic Radiographer - FLYabroad


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ANZSCO 251211 医疗放射诊断技师 Medical Diagnostic Radiographer - FLYabroad

251211 医疗放射诊断技师职业描述 Job description - FLYabroad

医疗放射诊断技师负责与放射专家和其他医师一起操作用于诊断和治疗目的的X射线和其他放射成像设备。需要注册或许可。 Operates x-ray and other medical imaging equipment to produce images for medical diagnostic purposes in conjunction with Diagnostic and Interventional Radiologists or other Medical Practitioners. Registration or licensing is required.

Previously referred to in ASCO as: 2391-11 Radiographer - Medical Diagnostic Radiographer

251211 医疗放射诊断技师职位别名 - FLYabroad

251211 医疗影像技师 Medical Imaging Technologist (A)
251211 磁共振技师 Magnetic Resonance Technologist (S)

251211 医疗放射诊断技师技术等级 Skill level - FLYabroad

医疗放射诊断技师的技能等级为1 (ANZSCO Skill Level 1)。

251211 医疗放射诊断技师所属职业列表 - FLYabroad

SOL - 澳洲技术移民职业列表 Skilled Occupation List - FLYabroad
LSO - 新西兰技术移民职业列表 LIST OF SKILLED OCCUPATIONS - FLYabroad - Part A

251211 医疗放射诊断技师澳洲技术移民职业评估 Skills assessment authority - FLYabroad

AIR - 澳洲放射线协会 Australian Institute of Radiography:A类雅思平均分不低于7,单项不低于7;等同于澳大利亚放射治疗师学士学位水平或更高。

251211 医疗放射诊断技师州担保情况 - FLYabroad

近期担保过 251211 医疗放射诊断技师 Medical Diagnostic Radiographer 职业的州包括:

* 北领地 Northern Territory
* 堪培拉 Australian Capital Territory
* 南澳 South Australia
* 新南威尔士 New South Wales
* 塔斯马尼亚 Tasmania

251211 医疗放射诊断技师新西兰技术移民紧缺职业加分要求 - FLYabroad

新西兰注册。(此领域绝对紧缺技能资格:专门从事医疗放射疗法或医学影像学的保健科学学士学位) NZ registration.(Qualifications in this area of absolute skill shortage are: a Bachelor in Health Science specialising in Medical Radiation Therapy OR specialising in Medical Imaging)

251211 医疗放射诊断技师执业注册要求(不代表移民要求) - FLYabroad

Registration or licensing is required.

Medical Radiation Practice Board of Australia - Registration is compulsory.

相关职业 - FLYabroad

251212 医疗放射治疗师 Medical Radiation Therapist
251213 核医学技师 Nuclear Medicine Technologist
251214 超声波检验师 Sonographer

评分标准: 澳大利亚技术移民评分标准


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