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ANZSCO 1499 其他酒店、 零售服务经理 Other Hospitality, Retail and Service Managers - FLYabroad


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ANZSCO 1499 其他酒店、 零售服务经理 Other Hospitality, Retail and Service Managers - FLYabroad

ANZSCO 1499 其他酒店、 零售服务经理职责概述 - FLYabroad

• 本组包括其他未被明确分类的酒店、 零售服务经理。包含猫狗舍管理者、电影院或剧院经理、设施管理人员、财政金融机构分部经理。 This unit group covers Hospitality, Retail and Service Managers not elsewhere classified. It includes Boarding Kennel or Cattery Operators, Cinema or Theatre Managers, Facilities Managers and Financial Institution Branch Managers.

ANZSCO 1499 其他酒店、 零售服务经理技能要求 Indicative Skill Level - FLYabroad

• 澳大利亚: AQF(澳大利亚学历资格框架) 副学士学位、高等大专学历或者大专学历(ANZSCO技术等级 2)
• In Australia: AQF Associate Degree, Advanced Diploma or Diploma (ANZSCO Skill Level 2)
• 新西兰: NZ 注册文凭(ANZSCO技术等级 2)
• In New Zealand: NZ Register Diploma (ANZSCO Skill Level 2)
• 三年以上相关经验可以代替上方所示正规资格,某些情况下,除了要求有正规资格还要求有相关经验和/或在职培训经历。可能需要注册或许可。 At least three years of relevant experience may substitute for the formal qualifications listed above. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification. Registration or licensing may be required.

ANZSCO 1499 其他酒店、 零售服务经理职位列表 List of occupations - FLYabroad

149911 狗场或猫舍管理人 Boarding Kennel or Cattery Operator

管理猫狗临时寄养公司的运营。Organises and controls the operations of an establishment which offers temporary boarding for dogs and cats.

Skill Level: 2

149912 影院或剧场经理 Cinema or Theatre Manager

管理影院或剧场的运营。可能需要注册或许可。Organises and controls the operations of a cinema or theatre. Registration or licensing may be required.

Skill Level: 2

149913 设备经理 Facilities Manager

替代职位 Alternative Title:
大厦经理 Building Manager

组织、控制和协调公共场所或私人场所的设施的战略和运营管理。Organises, controls and coordinates the strategic and operational management of facilities in a public or private organisation.

Skill Level: 2

购物中心经理 Shopping Centre Manager

149914 金融机构分公司经理 Financial Institution Branch Manager

负责组织和控制银行分支、建房协会、信用合作社或类似财政机构的一般经营活动。 Organises and controls the general operational activities of a branch of a bank, building society, credit union or similar financial institution.

Skill Level: 2

银行经理 Bank Manager
建筑商协会的经理 Building Society Manager
信用社经理 Credit Union Manager

149999 其他未分类的酒店、零售服务业经理 Hospitality, Retail and Service Managers nec

This occupation group covers Hospitality, Retail and Service Managers not elsewhere classified. Registration or licensing may be required.

Skill Level: 2

此组职位包括 Occupations in this group include:
屠宰场经理 Abattoir Manager
妓院经营者 Brothel Keeper
社保租赁经理 Equipment Hire Manager
自动洗衣店经理 Laundrette Owner
码头经理 Marina Manager
护理机构经理 Nursing Agency Manager
出租车经营者 Taxi Proprietor
减肥中心经理 Weight Loss Centre Manager

评分标准: 澳大利亚技术移民评分标准


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