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ANZSCO 263 信息与通信技术网络和支持人员 - FLYabroad


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ANZSCO 263 信息与通信技术网络和支持人员 ICT Network and Support Professionals - FLYabroad

ANZSCO 263 信息与通信技术网络和支持人员职责概述 - FLYabroad

• 信息与通信技术网络和支持专家研究分析、设计、安装并控制维护ICT系统来支持机构和个人的业务需求 ICT NETWORK AND SUPPORT PROFESSIONALS research, analyse, plan, design, install, monitor and maintain ICT systems to support the business needs of organisations and individuals.

ANZSCO 263 信息与通信技术网络和支持人员技能要求 Indicative Skill Level - FLYabroad

• 本组中大多数职业都要求具有与学士学位或更高资格相当的技能水平。五年以上相关工作经验和/或公司认证可以代替正规资格要求。某些情况下,除了要求有正规资格还要求有相关经验和在职培训经历(ANZSCO 1级水平)。 Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification. At least five years of relevant experience and/or relevant vendor certification may substitute for the formal qualification. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).

ANZSCO 263 信息与通信技术网络和支持人员主要职责 Tasks Include - FLYabroad

• 计划、设计、开发、配置并试运行网络系统 planning, designing, developing, configuring and commissioning networks and systems
• 分析、评估并监控网络基础设施,确保已配置网络在最佳操作下运行 analysing, evaluating and monitoring network infrastructure to ensure networks are configured to operate at optimal performance
• 排除故障并诊断网络系统问题,提出解决问题的最佳方案以改进系统性能 troubleshooting and diagnosing network and system problems, and determining the most appropriate means of resolving problems and issues to improve system performance
• 监督系统的整体运行,看新系统是否需要更新、升级、功能增强、定期检修;为系统性能的升级和改进提出建议 monitoring the overall performance of systems to assess the need for updates, upgrades, enhancements, preventive maintenance and new systems, and recommending options for upgrading and improving the performance of systems
• 安排并开展质量审核 scheduling and conducting quality audit inspections

ANZSCO 263 信息与通信技术网络和支持人员职位列表 List of occupations - FLYabroad

2631 计算机网络专家 Computer Network Professionals
    263111 计算机网络和系统工程师 Computer Network and Systems Engineer
    263112 网络管理员 Network Administrator
    263113 网络分析师 Network Analyst
2632 信息与通信技术支持和测试工程师 ICT Support and Test Engineers
    263213 通信与信息技术测试工程师 ICT Systems Test Engineer
2633 通讯工程专业人员 Telecommunications Engineering Professionals
    263311 通讯工程师 Telecommunications Engineer
    263312 通讯网络工程师 Telecommunications Network Engineer

评分标准: 澳大利亚技术移民评分标准


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