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ANZSCO 2724 社会专业人才 Social Professionals - FLYabroad


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ANZSCO 2724 社会专业人才 Social Professionals - FLYabroad

ANZSCO 2724 社会专业人才职责概述 - FLYabroad

• 社会专业人才从现代和历史的角度研究人类行为、社会体系;口头进行陈述,并将文本和口述材料转录成其他语言。 SOCIAL PROFESSIONALS research and study human behaviour, society and institutions from current and historical perspectives, and verbally render spoken statements, and transcribe text and recorded spoken material from one language into another.

ANZSCO 2724 社会专业人才技能要求 Indicative Skill Level - FLYabroad

• 本组中大多数职业都要求具有与学才学位或更高资格相当的技能水平(ANZSCO 1级水平)。Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).

ANZSCO 2724 社会专业人才主要职责 Tasks Include - FLYabroad

• 研究史学索引手册、文献集、法庭记录、日记、报纸等其他材料,收集历史数据 assembling historical data by consulting sources of information such as historical indexes and catalogues, archives, court records, diaries, newspaper files and other materials
• 组织,鉴定,评价和解释历史,政治,社会学,人类学和语言数据 organising, authenticating, evaluating and interpreting historical, political, sociological, anthropological and linguistic data
• 研究人类活动的历史和文化,并展示研究结果 undertaking historical and cultural research into human activity, and preparing and presenting research findings
• 提供同声传译或将已记录的演讲翻译成其他语言 providing simultaneous and consecutive verbal or signed renditions of speeches into another language
• 在诸如法庭、医院、学校、工作场所以及会议等场所,将现场发言的或已记录的文字翻译成另一种语言 rendering the meaning and feeling of what is said and signed into another language in the appropriate register and style in a range of settings such as courts, hospitals, schools, workplaces and conferences
• 研究原始文本和有记录的口述文件,理解主旨医生后,将它们翻译成另一种语言 studying original texts and transcripts of recorded spoken material to comprehend subject matter and translating them into another language
• 将文学、法律、技术科学文献等书面材料用恰当的风格翻译成另外一种语言,同时要使人们像在阅读原著而不是翻译件 rendering the meaning and feeling of written material, such as literary, legal, technical and scientific texts, into another language in the appropriate register and style, so that it will read as an original piece rather than as a translation

ANZSCO 2724 社会专业人才职位列表 List of occupations - FLYabroad

• 272411 历史学家 Historian
• 272412 口译员 Interpreter
• 272413 笔译员 Translator
• 272499 其他未分类的社会专业人才 Social Professionals nec

272411 历史学家 Historian

• 研究人类活动并记录研究成果。 Researches the history of human activity and prepares accounts of findings.
• 技能等级:1 Skill Level: 1
• 职业方向: Specialisations:
• 艺术史学家 Art Historian
• 文化史学家 Cultural Historian
• 经济史学家 Economic Historian
• 地理史学家 Geographical Historian

272412 口译员 Interpreter

• 将口语或符号语言翻译成另外一种口语或符号语言,通常在规定的时间内与参与者共同出席并完成所要求的翻译。 Transfers a spoken or signed language into another spoken or signed language, usually within a limited time frame in the presence of the participants requiring the translation.
• 技能等级:1 Skill Level: 1

272413 笔译员 Translator

• 将原文本从一种语言翻译成另一种语言,通常有充足的时间校对修正而且不需要陪伴参与者出席。 Transfers a source text from one language into another, usually within an extended time frame to allow for corrections and modifications and without the presence of the participants requiring the translation.
• 技能等级:1 Skill Level: 1

272499 其他未分类的社会专业人才 Social Professionals nec

• 此职业组包含了其他地方未分类的社会专业人才。 This occupation group covers Social Professionals not elsewhere classified.
• 技能等级:1 Skill Level: 1
• 职业方向: Specialisations:
• 人类学家 Anthropologist
• 考古学家 Archaeologist
• 犯罪学家 Criminologist
• 人种学家 Ethnographer
• 地理学家 Geographer
• 遗产顾问 Heritage Consultant
• 语言学家 Linguist
• 假释委员会会员 Parole Board Member
• 政治学家 Political Scientist
• 史前学家 Prehistorian
• 社会学家 Sociologist
• 传输分析员 Transport Analyst

评分标准: 澳大利亚技术移民评分标准


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