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ANZSCO 392 印刷行业工作者职责概述 - FLYabroad
• 印刷前排版,设置和操作印刷机,装订和整理印刷品,准备模板和操作丝网印刷设备。PRINTING TRADES WORKERS compose and set type prior to printing, set up and operate printing presses, bind and finish printed products, and prepare stencils and operate screen printing equipment
ANZSCO 392 印刷行业工作者技能要求 Indicative 技术等级 Skill Level - FLYabroad
• 本单元的大多数职位需要具有与下述资质和经验相当的技术层次。Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with the qualifications and experience outlined below
• 在澳洲:AQF证书3级,包括至少2年的在职培训或AQF证书IV级(ANZSCO技术级别 3)In Australia: AQF Certificate III including at least two years of on-the-job training, or AQF Certificate IV (ANZSCO Skill Level 3)
• 在新西兰:NNZ资格证4级(ANZSCO技术等级 3)In New Zealand: NZ Register Level 4 qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 3)
• 至少3年的工作经验可以代替上述的资格证。At least three years of relevant experience may substitute for the formal qualifications listed above.
• 有时除了资格证外,还需要相关的工作经验和/或在职培训。In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification
ANZSCO 392 印刷行业工作者主要职责 Tasks Include - FLYabroad
• 使用照相机和其它照相设备将已就绪的副本复制到胶片、平板和数字输出设备上。operating graphic cameras and other photographic equipment to reproduce camera-ready copy onto films, plates and digital output devices
• 操作基于屏幕的电脑设备,来扫描、彩色分离、彩色纠偏、蒙版、创新设计、组合、装版、修版、其它传送副本和产生胶片的程序。operating computer screen-based equipment for scanning, colour separation and correction, retouching and other processes used to transfer copy to film and produce film for plate, cylinder and digital output productions
• 对机器设置、操作和监控,来排字、照相复制、印刷和切割、折叠、整理和装订印刷材料。setting up, operating and monitoring machines used in typesetting, photographing copy, printing and cutting, folding, collating and binding printed material
• 执行日常的完工作业和机器维护。performing routine finishing operations and machine maintenance
• 准备模板和操作丝网印刷设备。preparing stencils and operating screen printing equipment
ANZSCO 392 印刷行业工作者职位列表 List of occupations - FLYabroad
3921 印刷精加工师和丝网印刷工 Print Finishers And Screen Printers
&Nbsp;&Nbsp;&Nbsp;&Nbsp;392111 印刷精加工师 Print Finisher
&Nbsp;&Nbsp;&Nbsp;&Nbsp;392112 丝网印刷工 Screen Printer
3922 平面印前行业工人 Graphic Pre-Press Trades Workers
&Nbsp;&Nbsp;&Nbsp;&Nbsp;392211 平面印前行业工人 Graphic Pre-Press Trades Worke
3923 印刷工 Printers
&Nbsp;&Nbsp;&Nbsp;&Nbsp;392311 打印机工 Printing Machinist
评分标准: 澳大利亚技术移民评分标准 。