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飞出国:加拿大时间 2016-05-06,萨省技术移民 SINP 发布了最新的紧缺职业清单。
NOC | 职业中文-飞出国 | 职业英文名 - flyabroad |
0213 | 计算机和信息系统经理 | Computer and information systems managers |
0423 | 社会,社区和惩教服务经理 | Managers in social, community and correctional services |
0513 | 康乐,体育和健身项目和服务主管 | Recreation, sports and fitness program and service directors |
0714 | 设施运行和维护经理 | Facility operation and maintenance managers |
0821 | 农业经理人 | Managers in agriculture |
1224 | 物业管理员 | Property administrators |
1225 | 采购代理和官员 | Purchasing agents and officers |
1252 | 卫生信息管理职业 | Health information management occupations |
2161 | 数学家,统计学家和精算师 | Mathematicians, statisticians and actuaries |
2171 | 信息系统分析师和顾问 | Information systems analysts and consultants |
2221 | 生物技术专家和技术人员 | Biological technologists and technicians |
2225 | 景观和园艺技术人员和专家 | Landscape and horticulture technicians and specialists |
2231 | 土木技师和技术员 | Civil engineering technologists and technicians |
2232 | 机械工程技术人员和技术人员 | Mechanical engineering technologists and technicians |
2244 | 航空仪表,电气和航空电子设备技工,技师和检查员 | Aircraft instrument, electrical and avionics mechanics, technicians and inspectors |
2253 | 制图技师和技术员 | Drafting technologists and technicians |
2255 | 气象技术职业 | Technical occupations in geomantic and meteorology |
7253 | 燃气安装工 | Gas fitters |
7312 | 重型机械设备技工 | Heavy-duty equipment mechanics |
7321 | 汽车维修技师,卡车和公共汽车力学和机械修理工 | Automotive service technicians, truck and bus mechanics and mechanical repairers |
7332 | 家电服务机构和修理工 | Appliance servicers and repairers |
萨省省提名技术移民紧缺职业(Appendix A) - FLYabroad
SINP Appendix A – Higher Skilled Occupations with Good/Fair Prospects - FLYabroad
NOC | 职业中文 - FLYabroad | 职业英文-FLYabroad | Level |
0013 | 高级经理 - 财务,通讯和其他商业服务 | Senior managers - Financial, communications and other business services | Mgt |
0014 | 高级经理 - 健康,教育,社会和社区服务及会员制组织 | Senior managers - Health, education, social and community services and membership organizations | Mgt |
0015 | 高级经理 - 贸易,广播等服务, NEC | Senior managers - Trade, broadcasting and other services, n.e.c. | Mgt |
0016 | 高级经理 - 商品生产,公用设施,交通运输和建筑 | Senior managers - Goods production, utilities, transportation and construction | Mgt |
0111 | 财务经理 | Financial managers | Mgt |
0112 | 人力资源经理 | Human resources managers | Mgt |
0113 | 采购经理 | Purchasing managers | Mgt |
0121 | 保险,地产及金融经纪经理 | Insurance, real estate and financial brokerage managers | Mgt |
0122 | 银行,信贷及其他投资经理 | Banking, credit and other investment managers | Mgt |
0131 | 电信运营商管理 | Telecommunication carriers managers | Mgt |
0211 | 工程经理 | Engineering managers | Mgt |
0212 | 建筑和科学经理 | Architecture and science managers | Mgt |
0213 | 计算机和信息系统经理 | Computer and information systems managers | Mgt |
0312 | 管理员,中学后教育和职业培训 | Administrators, post-secondary education and vocational training | Mgt |
0314 | 社会,社区和惩教服务经理 | Managers in social, community and correctional services | Mgt |
0411 | 政府管理,卫生和社会政策的制定和计划管理 | Government managers, health and social policy development and program administration | Mgt |
0412 | 政府管理,经济分析,政策制定和计划管理 | Government managers, economic analysis, policy development and program administration | Mgt |
0413 | 政府管理者,教育政策的制定和计划管理 | Government managers, education policy development and program administration | Mgt |
0511 | 图书馆,档案馆,博物馆和艺术画廊经理 | Library, archive, museum and art gallery managers | Mgt |
0513 | 康乐,体育及健身计划和服务董事 | Recreation, Sports and Fitness Program and Service Directors | Mgt |
0711 | 施工管理人员 | Construction managers | Mgt |
0713 | 运输管理 | Transportation managers | Mgt |
0721 | 设施运行和维护管理 | Facility operation and maintenance managers | Mgt |
0811 | 初级生产经理(除农业) | Primary production managers (except agriculture) | Mgt |
0911 | 生产经理 | Manufacturing managers | Mgt |
0912 | 公用事业管理者 | Utilities managers | Mgt |
1111 | 财务审计师和会计师 | Financial auditors and accountants | A |
1112 | 金融投资分析师 | Financial and investment analysts | A |
1113 | 证券代理商,投资商和经纪商 | Securities agents, investment dealers and brokers | A |
1121 | 在人力资源专家 | Specialists in human resources | A |
1221 | 行政人员 | Administrative officers | B |
1222 | 行政助理 | Executive assistants | B |
1223 | 人员和招聘人员 | Personnel and recruitment officers | B |
1224 | 物业管理员 | Property administrators | B |
1225 | 采购代理及管理人员 | Purchasing agents and officers | B |
1232 | 信贷员 | Loan officers | B |
1241 | 秘书(除法律和医学) | Secretaries (except legal and medical) | B |
1242 | 法律秘书 | Legal secretaries | B |
1243 | 医疗秘书 | Medical secretaries | B |
1244 | 法庭记录仪和医疗打字员 | Court recorders and medical transcriptionists | B |
2112 | 化学家 | Chemists | A |
2113 | 地质学家,地球化学家和地球物理学家 | Geologists, geochemists and geophysicists | A |
2121 | 生物学家和相关科学家 | Biologists and related scientists | A |
2123 | 农业代表,顾问和专家 | Agricultural representatives, consultants and specialists | A |
2131 | 土木工程师 | Civil engineers | A |
2132 | 机械工程师 | Mechanical engineers | A |
2133 | 电气和电子工程师 | Electrical and electronics engineers | A |
2134 | 化学工程师 | Chemical engineers | A |
2141 | 工业和制造工程师 | Industrial and manufacturing engineers | A |
2143 | 采矿工程师 | Mining engineers | A |
2144 | 地质工程师 | Geological engineers | A |
2145 | 石油工程师 | Petroleum engineers | A |
2147 | 电脑工程师(除软件工程师) | Computer engineers (except software engineers) | A |
2148 | 其他专业的工程师, n.e.c. | Other professional engineers, n.e.c. | A |
2151 | 建筑师 | Architects | A |
2153 | 城市规划和土地利用规划 | Urban and land use planners | A |
2154 | 土地测量师 | Land surveyors | A |
2161 | 数学家,统计学家和精算师 | Mathematicians, statisticians and actuaries | A |
2171 | 信息系统分析师和顾问 | Information systems analysts and consultants | A |
2172 | 数据库分析师和数据管理员 | Database analysts and data administrators | A |
2173 | 软件工程师和设计师 | Software Engineers and Designers | A |
2174 | 计算机程序员和互动媒体开发 | Computer programmers and interactive media developers | A |
2175 | Web设计人员和开发人员 | Web designers and developers | A |
2211 | 化学技师和技术员 | Chemical technologists and technicians | B |
2212 | 地质矿产技师和技术员 | Geological and mineral technologists and technicians | B |
2221 | 生物技术专家和技术人员 | Biological technologists and technicians | B |
2222 | 农产品和鱼类产品检验员 | Agricultural and fish products inspectors | B |
2223 | 林业技术人员和技师 | Forestry technologists and technicians | B |
2224 | 保护和渔政人员 | Conservation and fishery officers | B |
2225 | 景观和园艺技术人员和专家 | Landscape and horticultural technicians and specialists | B |
2231 | 土木工程技师和技术员 | Civil engineering technologists and technicians | B |
2232 | 机械工程技师和技术员 | Mechanical engineering technologists and technicians | B |
2233 | 工业工程与制造技师和技术员 | Industrial engineering and manufacturing technologists and technicians | B |
2234 | 建筑估价师 | Construction estimators | B |
2241 | 电气与电子工程技师和技术员 | Electrical and electronics engineering technologists and technicians | B |
2243 | 工业仪表技术员和技工 | Industrial instrument technicians and mechanics | B |
2244 | 飞机仪表,电气和航空电子设备技工,技术员和检查员 | Aircraft instrument, electrical and avionics mechanics, technicians and inspectors | B |
2251 | 建筑技师和技术员 | Architectural technologists and technicians | B |
2253 | 起草技师和技术员 | Drafting technologists and technicians | B |
2254 | 土地调查技术专家和技术人员 | Land survey technologists and technicians | B |
2255 | 测绘及相关的技术专家和技术人员 | Mapping and related technologists and technicians | B |
2262 | 工程督察和监管人员 | Engineering inspectors and regulatory officers | B |
2263 | 在公众和环境健康和职业健康安全检查员 | Inspectors in public and environmental health and occupational health and safety | B |
2264 | 建筑检查员 | Construction inspectors | B |
2281 | 计算机网络技术人员 | Computer Network Technicians | B |
2282 | 用户技术支持 | User support technicians | B |
2283 | 系统测试技术员 | Systems testing technicians | B |
3111 | 专科医师 | Specialist physicians | A |
3112 | 全科医生和家庭医生 | General practitioners and family physicians | A |
3113 | 牙医 | Dentists | A |
3114 | 兽医 | Veterinarians | A |
3121 | 视光师 | Optometrists | A |
3122 | 脊医 | Chiropractors | A |
3131 | 药剂师 | Pharmacists | A |
3132 | 营养师和营养学家 | Dietitians and nutritionists | A |
3141 | 听觉病矫治专家和语音语言病理学家 | Audiologists and speech-language pathologists | A |
3142 | 物理治疗师 | Physiotherapists | A |
3143 | 职业治疗师 | Occupational therapists | A |
3151 | 护士长及监事 | Head nurses and supervisors | A |
3152 | 注册护士 | Registered nurses | A |
3211 | 医务化验师和病理学家'助手 | Medical laboratory technologists and pathologists' assistants | B |
3212 | 医学实验室技术员 | Medical laboratory technicians | B |
3213 | 兽医和动物卫生技术人员和技师 | Veterinary and animal health technologists and technicians | B |
3214 | 呼吸治疗师,临床灌注师和心肺技师 | Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardio-pulmonary technologists | B |
3215 | 医疗放射技师 | Medical radiation technologists | B |
3216 | 医用超声检查 | Medical sonographers | B |
3221 | 镶牙师 | Denturists | B |
3222 | 牙齿卫生员和牙科治疗师 | Dental hygienists and dental therapists | B |
3231 | 配镜师 | Opticians | B |
3232 | 助产士和自然愈合的从业者 | Midwives and practitioners of natural healing | B |
3233 | 有执照的护士 | Licensed practical nurses | B |
4131 | 学院和其他职业教师 | College and other vocational instructors | A |
4141 | 中学教师 | Secondary school teachers | A |
4142 | 小学和幼儿园教师 | Elementary school and kindergarten teachers | A |
4143 | 教育辅导员 | Educational counsellors | A |
4151 | 心理学家 | Psychologists | A |
4152 | 社会工作者 | Social workers | A |
4211 | 律师助理及相关职业 | Paralegal and related occupations | B |
4212 | 社区和社会服务工作者 | Community and social service workers | B |
4213 | 就业辅导员 | Employment counsellors | B |
5111 | 图书馆员 | Librarians | A |
5124 | 在公共关系和传播专业的职业 | Professional occupations in public relations and communications | A |
5241 | 平面设计师和插画 | Graphic designers and illustrators | B |
5242 | 室内设计师 | Interior designers | B |
6221 | 技术销售专家,批发贸易 | Technical sales specialists, wholesale trade | B |
6231 | 保险代理人和经纪人 | Insurance agents and brokers | B |
6272 | 葬礼董事及尸体防腐 | Funeral directors and embalmers | B |
7211 | 监事,机械师和相关职业 | Supervisors, machinists and related occupations | B |
7212 | 承包商和主管,电气行业和电信行业 | Contractors and supervisors, electrical trades and telecommunications occupations | B |
7213 | 承包商和主管,管道安装工7215 | Contractors and supervisors, pipefitting trades | B |
7214 | 承包商和主管,金属成形,塑造和树立行业 | Contractors and supervisors, metal forming, shaping and erecting trades | B |
7215 | 承包商和监理,木工 | Contractors and supervisors, carpentry trades | B |
7216 | 承包商和主管,机械行业 | Contractors and supervisors, mechanic trades | B |
7217 | 承包商和监督员,重型施工设备和人员 | Contractors and supervisors, heavy construction equipment crews | B |
7219 | 承包商及监事,其他建筑行业,安装,修理和服务商 | Contractors and supervisors, other construction trades, installers, repairers and servicers | B |
7221 | 监事,铁路运输业务 | Supervisors, railway transport operations | B |
7222 | 监事,汽车运输等地面交通运营 | Supervisors, motor transport and other ground transit operators | B |
7231 | 机械师和机加工和模具督察 | Machinists and machining and tooling inspectors | B |
7241 | 电工(除工业和能源系统) | Electricians (except industrial and power system) | B |
7242 | 工业电工 | Industrial electricians | B |
7243 | 电力系统的电气工程师 | Power system electricians | B |
7244 | 电源线和电缆的工人 | Electrical power line and cable workers | B |
7245 | 通信线路及电缆工人 | Telecommunications line and cable workers | B |
7246 | 电信安装和维修工人 | Telecommunications installation and repair workers | B |
7251 | 管道工 | Plumbers | B |
7252 | 蒸汽管道工,管道装配和自动喷水灭火系统安装 | Steamfitters, pipefitters and sprinkler system installers | B |
7253 | 钳工气 | Gas fitters | B |
7261 | 钣金工人 | Sheet metal workers | B |
7262 | 锅炉工 | Boilermakers | B |
7263 | 金属结构及钣金制造商和装配工 | Structural metal and platework fabricators and fitters | B |
7264 | 铁工 | Ironworkers | B |
7265 | 焊工和相关机器操作工 | Welders and related machine operators | B |
7271 | 木匠 | Carpenters | B |
7272 | 橱柜 | Cabinetmakers | B |
7281 | 砌砖工 | Bricklayers | B |
7282 | 混凝土修整机 | Concrete finishers | B |
7283 | 砖瓦工 | Tilesetters | B |
7284 | 泥水工,石膏板安装,选手和适当的泡沫 | Plasterers, drywall installers, finishers and lathers | B |
7291 | 屋顶工和挤压操作工 | Roofers and shinglers | B |
7292 | 玻璃工 | Glaziers | B |
7293 | 绝缘子 | Insulators | B |
7294 | 画家和装饰 | Painters and decorators | B |
7295 | 地板覆盖安装 | Floor covering installers | B |
7311 | 建设造水车木匠和工业机械(纺织品除外) | Construction millwrights and industrial mechanics (except textile) | B |
7312 | 重型机械设备 | Heavy-duty equipment mechanics | B |
7313 | 制冷与空调技工 | Refrigeration and air conditioning mechanics | B |
7314 | 铁路卡门 | Railway carmen | B |
7315 | 飞机机械师和飞机检查员 | Aircraft mechanics and aircraft inspectors | B |
7316 | 机械钳工 | Machine fitters | B |
7318 | 电梯的构造和力学 | Elevator constructors and mechanics | B |
7321 | 汽车维修技师,卡车和客车力学和机械修理工 | Automotive Service Technicians, Truck and Bus Mechanics and Mechanical Repairers | B |
7322 | 汽车车身修理工 | Motor vehicle body repairers | B |
7332 | 电器服务商及维修商 | Electric appliance servicers and repairers | B |
7333 | 电气机械 | Electrical mechanics | B |
7334 | 摩托车及其他相关机械 | Motorcycle and other related mechanics | B |
7335 | 其它小型发动机和机械设备 | Other small engine and equipment mechanics | B |
7342 | 裁缝,裁缝,皮草商和女帽 | Tailors, dressmakers, furriers and milliners | B |
7344 | 珠宝商,修钟表及相关职业 | Jewellers, watch repairers and related occupations | B |
7352 | 动力系统和电站运营 | Power systems and power station operators | B |
7361 | 铁路机车子里工程师 | Railway and yard locomotive engineers | B |
7371 | 起重机操作员 | Crane operators | B |
7373 | 水井钻机 | Water well drillers | B |
7381 | 印刷机操作员 | Printing press operators | B |
8221 | 监事,采矿和采石 | Supervisors, mining and quarrying | B |
8222 | 监事,石油和天然气钻探和服务 | Supervisors, oil and gas drilling and service | B |
8231 | 地下生产和发展的矿工 | Underground production and development miners | B |
8232 | 石油和天然气钻井工人,服务商,测试人员和有关人员 | Oil and gas well drillers, servicers, testers and related workers | B |
8241 | 伐木机械运营商 | Logging machinery operators | B |
8252 | 农业及相关服务承包商和管理者 | Agricultural and related service contractors and managers | B |
8253 | 农场主管和专门的牲畜工人 | Farm supervisors and specialized livestock workers | B |
8254 | 苗圃和温室经营管理者 | Nursery and greenhouse operators and managers | B |
8255 | 园林绿化及地面维护承包商和管理者 | Landscaping and grounds maintenance contractors and managers | B |
8256 | 监事,景观和园艺 | Supervisors, landscape and horticulture | B |
9211 | 监事,矿物和金属加工 | Supervisors, mineral and metal processing | B |
9212 | 监事,石油,天然气和化学加工和公用设施 | Supervisors, petroleum, gas and chemical processing and utilities | B |
9213 | 监事,食品,饮料和烟草加工 | Supervisors, food, beverage and tobacco processing | B |
9215 | 监事,林产品加工 | Supervisors, forest products processing | B |
9226 | 监事,其他机械和金属制品的制造 | Supervisors, other mechanical and metal products manufacturing | B |
9227 | 监事,等产品的制造和装配 | Supervisors, other products manufacturing and assembly | B |
9231 | 中央控制和过程操作员,矿产和金属加工 | Central control and process operators, mineral and metal processing | B |
9232 | 石油,天然气和化工工艺操作 | Petroleum, gas and chemical process operators | B |